6 responses

  1. Steve Harding
    May 6, 2018

    I just ‘met’ you on Sunday Morning and you have made my day! I’m an 80 year old curmudgeon who will remember you for many moons to come, and especially on Mothers’ Day. You’re an amazing woman, a beautiful blessing in every life you touch.
    God Bless You, Daryn.
    Steve Harding
    Cape Cod


  2. Gary Naegel
    April 10, 2019

    It was great to be able to share dinner last night, at the table of guests, as you provided your inspiring stories and attitudes on how to nurture a positive outlook on life’s journey!

    Will definitely be more mindful in looking for positive ways to spend my energy budget.

    PS Enjoyed meeting the husband and his stories as well.


  3. LT
    July 13, 2019

    I was an avid watcher of CNN when you and Leon Harris were on. You two were excellent and honestly I’ve not watched it much since you both left. I’ve followed your website off and on for a few years now. Love it! Congratulations on your marriage and family. Wishing you continued happiness.


  4. Karen Bass
    March 3, 2020

    Daryn, I worked with you (behind the scenes at CNN in 2002-2005? I just remember staring at you and how beautiful you are inside and out! I was also shown the “door” as well……glad I found you on your website and so glad to hear of your marriage and what you are doing now. YOU are such a inspiring woman!


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