6 Things About Daryn
You look so much like….
Yes, I used to be that anchor on CNN.
Those were 12 amazing years anchoring breaking news,
covering war,
traveling Africa with U2’s Bono,
covering Oscars’ Red Carpet.
If you love doing news, and a I did, there is no better place to do it than CNN.
Why would I leave a gig like that?
When they tell you they’re not going to renew your contract after 12 years, you kind of get the idea that your card key won’t be working much longer in the CNN Parking Deck.
How much do you miss that life?
I’d be still sitting there in that anchor seat if they hadn’t shown me the door AND I haven’t missed it for a second.
So what have you done since?
Oh, not much. Only launched this website, a syndicated newspaper column, contributed to CBS Sunday Morning, hosted a national radio show, written two books, produced and hosted an award-winning documentary, done a bunch of corporate speaking events. I’m also now back in front of the camera with “The Good News Lady Show” on the LoCo+ streaming platform.
I’m also now doing a lot of storytelling video work for companies, entrepreneurs, and small businesses. I’d love to come up with some great storytelling plans for you. Let’s talk.
What I’m most excited about right now? I’m the Executive Director for Just One More Foundation. We give grants to individuals and nonprofit organizations that combine a solid plan and hard work for a second chance. You can learn more about our grants here.
But what about the important stuff?
Oh yeah, I got married! Miracles never cease. Yep, married a single dad whose first wife passed away and adopted his daughter. That makes me a mom, too. My Little Sister in the Big Brother Big Sister also lives with us, as well, rounding out the family I always wanted.
The girls are now launched, making their way in the world. and we are enjoying Empty Nest life.
To learn more about my “MilesHusband” and the crazy hobby we’ve developed–earning frequent flyer miles without flying, traveling the world in luxury for pennies, please click here.
What about the wacko animals?
These days all our attention goes to one wacko hound dog mutt, Butter. She has full range of the 10 acres where we live on a remote section of the Georgia Coast.

And now Butter, the hound dog mix rescue pup has joined the family as of March 2017.
One Thing I Know For Sure:
You can’t screw up the right one; Can’t make the wrong one work. This is true in love, jobs, and finding a home.

I just ‘met’ you on Sunday Morning and you have made my day! I’m an 80 year old curmudgeon who will remember you for many moons to come, and especially on Mothers’ Day. You’re an amazing woman, a beautiful blessing in every life you touch.
God Bless You, Daryn.
Steve Harding
Cape Cod
It was great to be able to share dinner last night, at the table of guests, as you provided your inspiring stories and attitudes on how to nurture a positive outlook on life’s journey!
Will definitely be more mindful in looking for positive ways to spend my energy budget.
PS Enjoyed meeting the husband and his stories as well.
I was an avid watcher of CNN when you and Leon Harris were on. You two were excellent and honestly I’ve not watched it much since you both left. I’ve followed your website off and on for a few years now. Love it! Congratulations on your marriage and family. Wishing you continued happiness.
Daryn, I worked with you (behind the scenes at CNN in 2002-2005? I just remember staring at you and how beautiful you are inside and out! I was also shown the “door” as well……glad I found you on your website and so glad to hear of your marriage and what you are doing now. YOU are such a inspiring woman!