CNN Correspondent Ed Lavandera And Crew Help Rescue Elderly Couple In Texas Floods

CNN correspondent Ed Lavandera is just one of the many reporters, producers and photographers in Texas covering the devastating floods.
They are there to do a job.
Report the news.
They are human beings first.
None finer than the folks who work for CNN.
Ed was in the middle of a live shot with anchor Ana Cabrera when they came upon a house with an elderly couple that needed rescuing.
There was never a question of what was most important.
Best ever moment of “drop mic.”
Sit back and watch a very human moment.
None better than Eddie Lavandera as a journalist and even more so as a person.
Also helping in the rescue were volunteer Austin Seth, producer Jason Morris and cameraman Joel de la Rosa.
For those who think it is fun to criticize reporters and call what CNN does, “fake news,” this is why I can’t stand your ignorant opinions.
These CNN crews make me proud to be associated with the CNN brand forever.
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