The Note I Wish I Had With Me All Those Years
The note to myself I wish I had all those years–
“Dear 20, 30, & 40 yr-old Self:
It’s possible you’re obsessing about all the guys who dumped you, broke your heart, who you were so convinced were “The One?” Yeah, I know, there have been some, ‘Will Someone Ever Really Love Me?’ ugly cry moments.
I want you to know if you just hang in there, you’re going to meet this guy who was put on this earth to be an awesome husband and father.
Yeah, there are such guys.
No joke.
He might not be the CEO of some big corporation, the best athlete, or drive the fanciest car. But he will be the strongest and most masculine kind of man—the kind that puts his family above all else.
Don’t freak out or anything, but this is the kind of guy who will pick you to be his wife. I know, sounds crazy, right?
July 2014 will be your second wedding anniversary and that same guy is going to send you gorgeous flowers with a mushy note attached claiming to be the luckiest guy in the world.
I know this is all so hard to believe from where you’re sitting, plopped on your bedroom floor surrounded by with soggy Kleenex and a half-eaten pint of Haagen-Dazs. Actually, who are we kidding?
We both know you ate the whole pint.
You’re kind of a pathetic sight right now, but I want you to know there is hope.
Don’t get me wrong.
It’s going to take some work.
You’ll need the help of some awesome, loving friends. Those self-help books you keep devouring that don’t seem to be doing any good are actually seeping some wisdom into the stubborn brain of yours.
Some sessions with a good therapist will also help unravel that spaghetti that is your brain and Man Picker.
Defeated Self, when you least expect it, when you completely give up, you’re going to start looking at the good guys differently.
Oh, it’ll seem a little weird at first, but you’ll figure out a way to get used to a man who is crazy about you, who would never dream that you should settle for a few crumbs of himself that he tosses your way.
No, he’ll offer up the entire cookie. Shoot, forget the cookie—this husband would go to the ends of the earth to deliver the entire bakery!
So hang in there.
Dreams do come true.
I promise.
In the meantime, Big Hugs!
Love, Me.
p.s. Happy Second Anniversary, Husband!

Our 1st Wedding: Silver Run Falls, NC. July 14, 2012
Just us & our girls. Married again 7 weeks later with all the fam and friends.