My mother made me do a crazy thing before I left to cover a war

(I’m pulling out a column from way back in honor of the brave journalists covering the mess in Ukraine.) 10 years later I still can’t believe I did this. But, I guess when your mother catches you keeping one of the biggest secrets of your life, you do as you’re told. Rewind the tape to 2003 when President George W. Bush had declared the US would invade Iraq. If you remember correctly, he just didn’t say exactly when, which, it

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Got The Best Gift; Why I Need To Give It Back

This is a “Thank You” note to my friend, Clare. Clare, who has delivered the best gift this holiday season. A gift for me. A gift for you. Clare, which rhymes with “Share.” Clare who’s life has changed forever. That’s what she’s sharing. And boy, has she shared. Shared with her friends and Facebook community the hugest shock of her life. That routine mammogram, the one she got just because she should, it showed a lump. A lump she hadn’t

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I’m Getting A New Set Of Boobs Tomorrow

I’m getting a new set of boobs tomorrow. Uh oh. Have you just stepped into a classic case of over sharing? In a word, yes. This boob journey is one I never wanted to share. Didn’t want to share it with you.  Really didn’t want to share it with the woman I consider my best friend. See, the boobs in question are not exactly mine. They’re hers. The Phone Call That phone call seven months ago where she said, “The

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June 24, 2013: …And She’ll Be Okay…

I’m sharing one of recent newspaper columns. Please catch me each week in The Atlanta Journal Constitution and The Dayton Daily News. Feel free to leave your comments below. I’d love to hear from you. She is my heart’s home. Together we cry through our hard times. Then, we hug. One believes when the other cannot. It’s been like that since we lived together senior year in college. Do you have someone so dear, so solid who you do this

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