The thing NOT to tell a first time dog lover

I certainly didn’t want to be the one to tell him.      When a friend came home with his adorable gray fur ball of fun seven years ago, I did all the things a fellow dog lover does to welcome a new pet lover into our tribe.      Well, almost all the things.      Deliver a basket full of puppy toys: check.      Coo, snuggle, and make a big deal over that pink puppy belly: check.      Offer up my

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Rescued Poinsettia plant takes root in husband’s undying love

It’s the kind of love you root for.      You know that top notch person you adore who just hasn’t found her person?      That was the story with an old friend and work colleague of mine.      The beauty of social media as we lived in different cities and took different career paths meant I could follow along as she found love later in life.      This friend’s new husband clearly adored her. That was evident from the photos

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Can I Stop Running After The One I Love?

Can we save them from dangerous choices?      I knew it was a dangerous thought as soon as it popped into head.      “What will I write about this week? Not much has happened.”      This is always, without fail, when something happens.      Something big. Trouble ahead      It was Sunday evening. The sun was setting, tucking in a quiet weekend. Husband down in the yard working out on his weight bench.      Pup by his side.      Until

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When Your Past Invites You To Come Back

It was the call I’d waited for so much of my career.      It felt like it dropped out of the sky late this summer.      A new news organization reached out a saying they wanted to discuss an opportunity.      I thought they would want me to produce uplifting and positive content, after all this is what I’ve been doing since losing my job as a network news anchor.      They had bigger ideas.      Much bigger.      “Would

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Why My Husband Is NOT The Man of My Dreams

I didn’t have the wedding of my dreams.      I’ve been thinking about that wedding.      It was seven years ago this week.      You might remember this, Dear Reader,        As this entire story has unfolded in the lines of this website. How we got to the waterfall wedding We got engaged after two years of dating. And decided to get married just three weeks later. There was no time to plan for a grand affair. No time to

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How My Dog Got Me A Husband And Yours Could, Too

My dog got me a husband by taking matters into her own paws The numbers didn’t add up.      Not to this dog lover.      86%.      That’s how many people say they would break up with someone who doesn’t like their dog. This would never be me      “How ridiculous,” I thought as I looked at the research from a dog walking company called, “Wag!”  “Who would even consider dating someone who didn’t like their dog?”      That’s about

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How Do You Know When It’s Time To Pack Up And Make That Change?

Do you know when it’s time to make that change? Husband has an online addiction problem.      With real estate.      As long as they are houses in other towns.      One year of empty nest and he wants us out of here.      “Check out this marsh front home on the coast of Georgia.”      “How about this abandoned town in Italy?”    “Ooh, I love this jungle home in Costa Rica!” He’s ready to go. Husband has a good

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How My Brilliant Idea Managed To Meltdown A Four Year-Old’s Birthday Party

It’s not that I meant to meltdown my four year-old neighbor’s birthday party. Just talented, I guess. And giftless. Yes, I dared to walk into a four year-old’s party without a gift. Crazy week, whatever. I know when you’re four, you know birthday equals presents. I did have what I thought was a brilliant idea. I just happened to have an old Hot Wheels car laying around. It must’ve been left over from a long ago visit from one of

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CBS Sunday Morning Debut: A Mother’s Day Card For My Daughter’s First Mother

Thank you, CBS Sunday Morning, for the chance to be on your incredible program! Such a thrill to hear Jane Pauley introduce my piece. This is about dreams coming true in ways you don’t expect. About being in debt to others, And mostly, about one awesome daughter. And this is for you, You, who might be with the one you want this Mother’s Day. I’m sending love. And understanding. If enjoy this story, you might enjoy my book, “Hope Possible:

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The Treasure My Ex-Boyfriend Left Behind

She wasn’t the gift I was expecting. Not from my boyfriend. A very long ago boyfriend, I should clarify. This is a story about where we get our people. About how ugly can sometimes, Sometimes, Leave behind a treasure. There was so much wrong with this particular relationship. Red flags from the beginning. And yet, I stayed. Stayed for years. I, the columnist who writes about a healthy marriage, raising kids, normalish stuff, I’m so disappointed when I look at

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