The Six Words Guaranteed To Unfix My Marriage

Watch out what you wish for. I realize now. I went into the new year hoping for doors to open. Surely, I didn’t realize I had to more specific. As in professional doors. Because doors are opening alright. All around me. There’s my car door which won’t stay shut. Our dishwasher broke its seal. It won’t close. Upside is the secret fun watching teenagers learn to wash dinner dishes by hand. And finally, the shower door won’t close. Which leads

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Stuff I Love: “How To Save A Life”

It’s a giddy day around here because “How To Save A Life” is now available. If you’re looking for a new book that will make your heart sing and maybe tear up a bit, please check out this new novella by my friend, international bestselling author, Kristin Harmel. Here’s the description: “When a pediatric oncology nurse receives a devastating prognosis—she has just weeks left to live—she finds unexpected comfort from a patient. Her young friend shares a life- and death-changing

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The Unvarnished Truth About How Many Friends I Have

Friends. I’m studying the new math. Friends Addition. As in, how many friends do you have? There’s that ever-present number you see on Facebook. How many friends to you have there? As if, the majority of those contacts are real friends. And now, I’ve come across this study. It has me thinking friends and numbers. Adding them up. Scientists in Britain are looking at the age you have the most friends. When you are, according to the Aalto and Oxford

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The Unexpected Price Of My Dream Coming True

I had a bill come due this week. The kind of bill they don’t tell you about. The price you must pay for a dream coming true. You could’ve walked right past us and not known what a bittersweet moment was taking place. A simple visit with my two nephews. My brother’s boys. The boys who have been my treasures since the day each was born. Which happened on the other side of the country. No matter. At least four

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My HLN Interview: I Can Go Home Again!

Feeling so grateful to my professional family at HLN, first cousins to CNN. The beautiful Christi Paul invited me to come talk about reinventing my career, finding love and becoming a mom. The producers also found a ton of clips from my CNN career. Those moments seem like yesterday and another life. Just in case you missed the segment, here it is. If you want to see more about “Hope Possible,” you can find it here. Available in both print and

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The Lesson Waiting For Me On My Shower Floor

This is not the place to boast. Or brag. It’s not what I like to do here. And yet. I find the need to share. To make hooray. For me. For something I did this week. Something that until I did it, seemed far beyond my reach. My possibility. It happened on Wednesday. Okay. Here it is. I shampooed my hair. Reached my arms up over my scalp. And scrubbed. It’s possible I have underwhelmed you, Dear Reader? “Shampoo your

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How My Teen Is Never Too Busy To Call Me…Old

I thought I was going for lunch. With my daughter. Turns out I was headed for a reality check. From my daughter. “Why don’t you call ahead and make sure they are open?” I suggested playing the role of the boring, plan-ahead mother. I play it well. Seconds later a concerned look spread across Daughter’s face. The wrinkled nose. Similar to when I ask her to clean her room. Just enough so that I can see a surface. Of something.

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When Your Life Doesn’t Fit Inside A Hallmark Card

I took the trip again this year. Because I forgot. What a big waste of time it is. Yet, each year, I feel compelled to go. The event is big and must be marked. And so, I make the trip. Down the card aisle at the local drug store. I pick up countless cards. Not a single one fits. Where is the card you give your daughter commemorating the anniversary of your adoption? Where is the card that says meeting

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Stuff I Love: Sharing Discounts I Get With You

I’m trying something new this week. Advertisers to my site share a lot of discounts with me. I’m now passing them along to you.   So, take a look, if you think there are good deals, use them and share this page. Also, let me know what you think of the page by leaving a comment or dropping me a line at [email protected]. Happy Shopping! One of the easiest ways to save some big bucks instantly is by checking out

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How A Stranger Taught Me Secret To Truly Helping A Sick Friend

I stole an hour of a remarkable woman’s time this week. For Barbara, time surely is a precious commodity. For all of us, truly. Barbara just knows it better than most of us. I would think she had better things to do than spend time talking to me, a stranger. See, Barbara is fighting for her life. Literally. This is the third time cancer has come knocking at her door. Breast cancer at 32. Again at 45. This time is

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