The Awful Thing We Did Instead Of Taking That $23,000 Luxury Vacation Over New Year’s

As falls go, this was like gravity on steroids.
One minute, my husband was about to pull off one of his frequent flyer mile miracles.
New Year’s week flying around the world on Singapore Suites First Class.
As he does, he was about to pull off a $23,000 trip by paying about $78 per person.
Then, came the computer glitch.
The trip fell apart.
Which brought the question what to do next?
Husband dared to suggest,
He cued up the doomsday music and spoke the dreaded words.
The sacred trust we share not to utter.
“We could stay in town and uh, clear out the storage space,” he said half-heartedly.
The storage space.
Ours was born with the start of our marriage 5 ½ years ago.
We got married two weeks after we got engaged.
The plan, as it was,
Was for Husband to move into my smallish house.
Just for a little while, of course.
Until we figured out what was next.
There was no blending of stuff.
No, “We’ll use my couch and your chairs,” discussion.
Husband moved in with his coffee machine.
Everything else went into this storage space.
Where it has been waiting,
Waiting for us to make the next move.
To that bigger house.
When surely, we would be able to make use of his furniture.
Great plan.
Thing was.
Thing is.
Here we are 5 ½ years later,
We’re still in the same house.
With our second kid about to go off to college,
There is now no need for the larger house.
And thus,
No need for the extra furniture.
We’ve known this for some time.
But haven’t wanted to face it.
How strong our intolerance?
Nickel-and-diming Husband has been paying $226 a month to hold onto this stuff-
$239, if you included the $13 insurance.
How funny is that?
Paying extra to insure stuff we didn’t need to keep in the first place.
Now, it was time to deal.
“Is there anything we should keep?” Husband asked just to be sure.
I looked over the jigsaw puzzle of furniture that hadn’t seen daylight since we shut the door in 2012.
“Not a thing,” I assured him.
Which led us to the pesky steps of finding the right charity who would pick it up.
A place to dump mattresses no one wants.
Getting it done in time for tax deadline.
As I coughed away the dusty cobwebs,
I took comfort in knowing often I’m not so wrong to put off a chore.
I suspected this wouldn’t be fun.
Indeed, it was not.
Certainly, not Singapore Suites First Class fun.
I’m not alone.
You, too, Dear Reader?
Have you also been hanging on?
For “just in case?”
Because it is a big haul to get rid of?
Because you’re scared?
Is it your storage shed?
The piles on your desk?
Your relationship?
Letting go.
So, not fun.
So like jumping off the 100-story building.
Such an incredible fall.
To have it done.
To let it go.

It’s not a luxury airline suite on Singapore Airlines, but now that’s it’s done, there is something very satisfying about the look of the empty 10’x10′ storage space. B’bye.

And there is the luxury of knowing all the furniture we donated will be sold off to support a great cause.
Here’s wishing you the courage and elbow grease to take the leap in this new year.
I showed you mine.
Now, you show me yours.
What are you letting go of to start this new year?
Please share in the comments below.
((Please catch my column each week in Cox Newspapers across the country.)))
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