My Most Unrealistic New Year’s Resolution Ever

     It’s possible I’m setting myself up for failure.      It is true.      After all, don’t all those psychologist types recommend you keep it realistic on New Year’s resolutions?      I don’t care.      I’m going big.      Shooting for the stars.      Or rather, for the socks.      Yes, socks.      My New Year’s resolution is simply socks.      I want to be able to open that vestibule I call my “sock drawer” and find one matching

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Got The Best Gift; Why I Need To Give It Back

This is a “Thank You” note to my friend, Clare. Clare, who has delivered the best gift this holiday season. A gift for me. A gift for you. Clare, which rhymes with “Share.” Clare who’s life has changed forever. That’s what she’s sharing. And boy, has she shared. Shared with her friends and Facebook community the hugest shock of her life. That routine mammogram, the one she got just because she should, it showed a lump. A lump she hadn’t

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A Broken Heart: I Need To Find An App For That

I’m wishing for a magic potion. Something. Anything. To heal my friend’s heart. My friend who has been by my side, it feels like forever. My friend, who’s husband has left. The only man she has ever loved. He’s decided he needs to go find something, someone better out there. Yeah, one of those stories. He’s taken off for what he thinks is greener pastures. Good luck to him. There’s no one better than my friend. What to do for

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I’ve Been A Naughty, Naughty Customer

What a dirty, shameful week it has been. Where else to be better experience that than at my local car dealership? I actually had my car shipped to my dealership, I found it really hard to find a car transport company who would bring my car to me, but luckily I did. Nothing too fancy. Just enough buttons to keep it fun and get the family safely around town. My sweet little car turned two a few months ago and

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Mystery Text Creates Social Dilemma; What To Do When You Should Know Someone’s Name?

This week’s “Oh, No You Didn’t” Moment started with a single text message that popped up on my phone last Saturday. “Hey, DK, thanks for the email,” it read. “How about breakfast or coffee tomorrow?” “How lovely to get that invitation from a sweet friend!” you’re thinking. Yes. Only one problem. There was only an unfamiliar phone number attached to the text. No name. And there you have it– Just one of the almost daily opportunities I have to appear

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So, About That Time I Remembered My Life Changed; Maybe Yours, Too?

So, about that time I remembered my life changed…. A couple of precious gifts from neighbors showed up at my front door this week. No, not covered hot casseroles dishes so that I wouldn’t have to cook dinner. Though, that would’ve been nice. All contributions are always graciously accepted. This story starts with Eli. You know all that stuff you hear about what’s wrong with young people today? None of it is true about Eli. Here’s a young man who

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Lying About Your Age-Here’s How You Should Do It

“So this will be your 25th birthday,” a new acquaintance joked recently when he heard of my upcoming birthday.   There was that assumption again. When people — particularly women — get to a certain age, we’re supposed to lie about our age.     Certainly some people sign up for the game.   My own mother, born in 1936, still celebrates her 29th birthday. My friend Betsy, a devout Catholic, got to the age of 33 and decided to

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The Stumble That Humbled Me And The Fall You Might’ve Had This Week, Too

I fell this week. By that, I mean, I fell. Literally, fell. Flat. It happened as I was just starting a little run, jog, or “shuffle” as my kids call it. That’s when I spotted a neighbor watering his lawn. I turned to say hello, focusing on the pretty flowers instead of the sidewalk in front of me. That’s all it took. My big ol’ right foot caught a crack in the sidewalk and I launched. Felt like it took

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New Christmas China Sets The Table For Better Times Ahead

This actually appears in my new book, “Hope Possible: A Network News Anchor’s Thoughts On Losing Her Job, Finding Love, A New Career, And My Dog, Always My Dog.” If you like this piece, please check out the book. Sometimes you just can’t fake happy. You’ve suffered a loss that’s just too big. A friend reminded me of that this week. Got me thinking back to a time a few years back when my best lady friends were gathered around a

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