The One Who Cured The Worst Pity Party Of My Life

This week I have the story of one lucky girl.      A story that starts with a pathetic pity party.      Mine.      On a Sunday night, long ago.      What is it about Sunday nights?      How they magnify lonely and sad.      Which is what I cried to my best friend.      It wasn’t the first time we’d had this talk.      Which is probably why she cut short the empathy and sent me a link.      With a simple note.      “I think you need to do this.”      It

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The Lucky Charm Who Changed My Life Forever

As lucky charms go, mine is not shy. “Daryn, you should write a column about me,” she strongly suggested this week. Since she is the one who, I believe, changed my life for the best ever, hers is a request I’m sure to fulfill. So here goes. She showed up at one of those low times. One of those, feel sorry for myself, this is never going to get better, I’m on verge of getting bitter, Pity Party for One,

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