Surprising Our Daughter At The Airport Before She Heads To Semester Overseas

Surprising our daughter seemed like the only option when I had to be in two places at once You can subscribe to our MilesHusband YouTube Channel here This was the kind of problem with only one answer.      I’d have to be two places at once. You’ve been there, Dear Reader?      Or tried to be both “theres?”      Sunday, our oldest daughter was leaving for a semester studying overseas.      As a mother, I wanted to be here to

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Is Husband’s Surprise A Good Thing?

To be surprised? Or not surprised? That is the marital question I need your help with this week, Dear Reader. I’ve shared in previous columns my husband’s rather quirky, geeky hobby. Crazy, mad genius obsession, might be a better description. Husband collects frequent flyer miles without flying. Millions of them. It’s all the way we spend our money: mortgage, power bill, grocery store, clothes. No dollar goes out the door without generating miles. Make that multiples of miles. We live

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