The Magic of Setting Your Favorite Possession Free

I never understood why he wanted the boat.
Then again, there was so much I didn’t understand about their divorce.
Why would anyone not want to be married to my phenomenal friend?
Why would he cheat on her?
Gaslight her?
There are some things that are beyond explaining.
Like the boat.

Friend was and is a world champion barefoot water skier.
Her husband wasn’t a skier.
He hated going to the lake.
So, most weekends Friend would go by herself.
Each summer she would tow her prized boat up to Minnesota to her late grandfather’s modest cabin.
This was her one happy place, especially as her marriage was falling apart.
Why did her husband want the boat?
We couldn’t explain it, but her lawyer said, he was demanding it and that could be her bargaining chip for her freedom.
Friend gave up the boat.
She set it free so that she could be free.
Free from his cheating ways.
Free from his lies.
Free to eventually build a new life.
Free to meet a new guy, one so perfect for her I couldn’t have made him up if I tried.
They met through a barefoot waterskiing clinic, so you better believe he skis.
They now spend all summer at her grandfather’s cabin, that tiny place on a tiny lake in Northern Minnesota.
It is 1,000 miles away from where she used to live.
Which is what makes this story all the more incredible.
A guy she hired to work on her dock phoned her up last week telling her about this other barefooter who had just bought the coolest boat.

The more he described it, the more she couldn’t help but think, “That’s my boat!”
She and her new husband got together with the new boat owner. Sure enough. Her boat has made it back to her.
Just one tiny lake over.
She has a standing invitation to come ski behind it as soon as summer rolls around next year.

How do you explain how that boat of all little lakes in America ended up right next door?
There really is no way.
I share the story for you, Dear Reader.
You, who has a firm grasp on someone or something you can’t imagine letting go.
It’s time.
Let the boat go.
There’s no telling the journey you’re sending it on.
Won’t it be interesting to see how it just might be destined to come back around.
How’s that going to work.
There’s no explaining.
It’s just time to set it and you free.
While you’re here…
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