Waffle House Shooting Hero Says Four Year Old Daughter Was His Inspiration To Act

Waffle House shooting hero James Shaw, Jr. knows the answer to the question.
What would you do if you had a chance to save the lives of strangers even if it meant it might cost you your own life.
This 29-year-old man knows.
He acted.
The Tennessean reports Travis Reinking, 29, opened fire at about 3:25 a.m. Sunday morning at a Waffle House outside Nashville, TN.
Shaw Jr. had just come in the restaurant when he heard a crash. He says he believed the noise came from one of the employees dropping dishes. He couldn’t recall how many shots there were, just that a man was on the floor.
He ran for the bathroom to take cover.
Moments later came his chance.
Shaw says he never intended to be a hero.
Shaw goes so far as to call himself, “selfish.”
That he just wanted to live to see his four-year-old daughter.
You judge for yourself.
I see a fine man, a dedicated father, who had an opportunity for greatness and took it.
Sadly, four people were killed before Shaw could act.
The gunman remains on the loose.
If you enjoy this story, you might want to check out my recent TED Talk, “How To Watch The News And Get Inspired.”