You Deserve To Be Your Own Valentine! Gifts For You From You

Gifts for you to be your own valentine.

It’s Time To Celebrate You!

I love love, so yes, I’m a fan of Valentine’s Day.

I hate the pain it causes, though.

The feeling unloved, uncoupled, left out.

Trust me, I was single for far more Valentine’s Days than I’ll ever be married.

That’s why I’m all about living in the now.

Celebrate the love that is here.

Celebrate fabulous you! Whether or not you have a romantic partner, I believe you are enough, Valentine. I believe you should get a gift.

How about this year, you gift yourself?

I’ve pulled together some nominations that I know I’d love to get, in fact, some I already have.

Happy Valentine’s, my dear Sweetness! I’d love to hear how you’re celebrating love in the Comments section below. Even better, let me know how you’re being nice to yourself this year.


Want a zap of the warm and fuzzies? Check out where you can pick a specific request from teacher’s across America to help with a project in the classroom. My current favorite project right now is helping out Mrs. Wagner. She’s a 5th grade teacher in Compton, CA trying to get together art supplies for her students. So basic, so important! She’s getting closer every day! I dedicated my birthday to her classroom just a couple weeks ago in honor of a classmate who passed away last year. There’s no lonely or sadness when it feels like you are making a difference. Check out Mrs. Wagner’s class and/or set some of the filters that will make your heart sing.


My husband has been not so gently suggesting that the sunglasses I’ve been wearing look like the ones my late mother used to wear. I’m no genius, but something tells me that does not = his version of HOT.

I stumbled upon these knock off aviators that I just love. They’re cheap. $25. And ready for the secret twist? They have “readers” embedded in the lenses! I kid you not. Look fashionable. Don’t spend a ton AND read the small print!F


Do you have that dream that’s been a long time in coming true? Maybe it even involves finding your big love. “Don’t Give Up!” Channel your hopes, dreams and intentions with this adult coloring book that’s all about focusing on your dreams. Brilliant designs and great calligraphy words to help melt stress away. Enjoy adult coloring book, that brings joy to your life.

It’s only $6.16, so you probably should double-gift yourself and get a fresh set of Crayola coloring pencils, as well.L


I’m noticing an unexpected artsy theme developing through my gift choices. This one, I found especially delightful.

Would you like to deepen your creative connections and expressions. Join rock star illustrators Julia Rothman, Leah Goren, and Rachael Cole for ten evenings of fun and art-making. The nights are led by two talented guest artists and themed around a particular topic, from large-scale ink painting to making art with kids. Samantha Hahn, Mary Kate McDevitt, Joana Avillez, and many more share their expertise. Each chapter includes loads of exciting artwork, insights about drawing, and instructions for that night’s project. A rare peek into the minds and sketchbooks of some of the best female illustrators working today.

“Ladies Drawing Night” can even be a template to host your own fun art night with friends.5


Maybe it’s just that year where you need a complete attitude adjustment.

“Happiess Is…500 things to be happy about” is the breezy flip through book for you.

Happiness is . . . an unexpected bouquet, watching the sea, fixing something, a good high five, and so much more! The charming, make-you-smile illustrations hit just the right note—not too sappy, not too sweet—and remind us that there are dozens of things to be happy about every day, including the low $8.99 price tag.W


Keeping it real when your dog is your most reliable Valentine ever. This is my kind of true love. This is the t shirt for you. Just make sure you also pick up a little something for your pup, as well, like this adorable bandana.


Snuggling with your best kitty friend is your jam? I think you need this “Happy Meowentine’s Day” t shirt.

And for Kitty Friend? How about this 5-pack set of heart-shaped cat toys?

They’re filled with cat nip which is sure to help Kitty forget her own romantic woes.

Buy My Husband For Valentine’s Day

Sounds so generous, sharing my husband for Valentine’s.

If you dream of seeing the world, but think you don’t have the money to do it, this is really the best choice of all.

I’ve shared how MilesHusband has figured out a formula for taking the money we are going to spend anyway and turning it into zillions of frequent flyer miles without flying. It’s allowed us to travel the world in luxury by spending mere pennies.

For his $50 Valentine’s special, MH will look at your what credit cards you’re using and tell you how you can up for game with a few simple tweaks. Shoot, you need to spend the bucks anyway, why not make that spend bring you bigger returns and adventures.

The other choice is showing MH your stash of miles and he’ll tell you what’s possible. You might just see a chunk of miles that are impossible to use. For him, it’s like reading tea leaves, he sees things we mortals don’t. You just might be sitting on a fabulous possible adventure and not realize it.

If you’re interested, just shoot him an email at [email protected]. Put “Valentine’s Special” in the subject line and he’ll get right back to you.Y


Finally, maybe you and I just need some time together. To laugh, to cry, and hold onto hope.

If so, I humbly invite you to grab my book, “Hope Possible: A network news anchor’s thoughts on losing her job, finding love, a new career, and my dog, always, my dog.”

It’s nothing fancy.

Just a collection of 80 of my most popular columns about the guy I was so sure I was never going to meet, becoming a mom, my beloved dog, and oh yeah, that glamorous job that so many thought I couldn’t live without.

If this is your choice, let me just say I’m so honored.

One final note, the links to most of the items are affiliate links. That means you buy and the seller cuts me in for a fraction of the sale. The price for you is the same and the affiliation is one of the financial engines that supports this website.

Thank you for your support.

Any Valentine’s thoughts you’d like to leave for me in the Comments section? I’d love to hear from you.

Yes, you.

Fabulous you,

You, who are enough, just as you are.



You Deserve To Be Your Own Valentine! Gifts For You From You

by DarynKagan time to read: 5 min