Beautiful Story Behind College Football Star And Boy With Autism Bonding Over Lunch

A college football star and a boy with autism bonding over lunch. It’s now the photo that has melted hearts around the world. It happened last month when Florida State football players paid a visit to Monford Middle School in Talahassee, Florida. Star wide receiver Travis Rudolph spied one kid, Bo Paske, eating lunch by himself. Travis says he thought nothing of making an offer of kindness. He simply went over to Bo to ask if he could eat lunch with

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Man And His Goose: The Love Connection He Never Planned On

A certain goose in Oregon knows there’s no telling where you will meet the love of your life. Yes, goose. CBS News’ Steve Hartman has the story of a man who thought he was just doing a nice thing for a struggling bird. He never realized he was about to become the unexpected match for one devoted goose. Kyle is one ambitious bird. Her Instagram account has more than 62,000 followers. You can see how she’s making folks smile at @KyleTheGoose.

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Amazing Reason Gene Simmons of KISS Has Never Done Drugs Or Gotten Drunk

This story about rocker Gene Simmons of KISS is not what you would expect to learn about a legendary music star. Simmons tells The Los Angeles Times that he’s never done drugs or gotten drunk. That’s incredible enough from a man who has been a superstar in the music industry for decades and the reason why will blow your mind. Gene Simmons made that pledge early on in his life in honor of his mother. His mother is a survivor of a Nazi

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Stolen Gold Medal Leads To Unlikely Friendship

The Olympic gold medal Joe Jacobi won at the Barcelona Olympics in kayaking has brought him a lot of joy since 1992. No wonder he was devastated when it was stolen from his car a few weeks ago. Little did Joe realize, that incident, that loss was about to bring him a wonderful gift and a friendship he never expected. Six-year-old Chloe Smith thinks the story is pretty special, too. Another fine story of friendship from CBS News’ Steve Hartman.

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Impossible Trash Can Toss Scores A’s For Entire Chemistry Class

Consider this– the impossible trash can toss heard across the campus of The Ohio State University. One student, Vinny Forte, got what seemed like a impossible dare from the professor in organic chemistry. Make the shot from across the lecture hall and everyone in the class would get an “A” on the first quiz of the year. The attempt and success was captured on video and shared on Twitter. S/o to Benny for making this shot and getting the entire

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Granting My Mother’s Final Wish

I wonder if they know how ridiculous they sound. Those doctors. The ones trying to sell my mother on further treatment. How do you convince a woman months away from her 80th birthday that she should sign up a cacophony of torture? “We can put in a feeding tube for a couple of weeks,” their pitch began. “We’ll send you to a nursing home where you’ll be connected to an IV, sit in diapers, and wait. If you do well

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Why I Can’t Do The Facebook “7-Day Love My Spouse” Challenge

It would be so romantic. A wonderful tribute to my husband. I get that. And still, I can’t do it. I’m talking about the latest viral thing floating around Facebook. Have you seen this? The “7-Day Love Your Spouse” Challenge. The goal is to post photos of your beloved spouse for seven days including some mushy note expounding on their amazing qualities. And you’re supposed to tag two other friends, challenging them to do the same. I’ve been tagged twice.

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My Family’s Shameful Travel Confession

Pressure. I’m feeling it. The need to declare allegiance to a team. To claim certain values. A way of life. Hold your political horses. You know we don’t go there in this space. And yet, With summer vacation wrapping up, another round of trips ready to post in the digital scrapbook, There feels this need to own, Honestly own, Where I fall in one of life’s big questions. Do you travel or do you vacation? Because, Dear Reader, you know

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Olympic Gold Medalist Simone Manuel Has The Best Nickname In Sports!

America fell in love with Olympic swimmer Simone Manuel Thursday night when she tied for the gold medal in the 100-meter freestyle. Her time of 52.70 tied her with 16-year-old Canadian Penny Oleksiak, the pair sharing a new Olympic record and both receiving a gold medal. That makes her the first African American woman to win a gold medal in an individual swimming event. She clearly was excited and overtaken with emotion as her accomplishment sunk in (no pun intended.)

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American Gold Medal Swimmer Lilly King Calls Out Drug Cheats When Olympic Officials Won’t

American Gold Medal Swimmer Lilly King is proving to be a champion in more ways than just the shiny hardware she can now wear proudly around her neck. King has been outspoken on drug cheats being allowed to compete in the Olympics. USA Today’s Christine Brennan has been doing a wonderful job of covering the controversy. She reports this particular spat centers around King and her rival, Russia’s Yulia Efimova. The Russian the 2012 bronze medalist and world champion who

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