The thing NOT to tell a first time dog lover

I certainly didn’t want to be the one to tell him.      When a friend came home with his adorable gray fur ball of fun seven years ago, I did all the things a fellow dog lover does to welcome a new pet lover into our tribe.      Well, almost all the things.      Deliver a basket full of puppy toys: check.      Coo, snuggle, and make a big deal over that pink puppy belly: check.      Offer up my

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Can I Stop Running After The One I Love?

Can we save them from dangerous choices?      I knew it was a dangerous thought as soon as it popped into head.      “What will I write about this week? Not much has happened.”      This is always, without fail, when something happens.      Something big. Trouble ahead      It was Sunday evening. The sun was setting, tucking in a quiet weekend. Husband down in the yard working out on his weight bench.      Pup by his side.      Until

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Cancer Survivor Therapy Dog “Moose” Awarded Honorary Veterinary Degree from Virginia Tech

“Moose” is a mental health therapy dog and cancer survivor One awesome therapy dog “Moose” is one awesome therapy dog who is getting big honors from Virginia Tech. He’s worked at Virginia Tech’s Cook Counseling Center since 2014. Moose has been in more than 7,500 counseling sessions, making him one awesome mental health advocate. Overcoming obstacles He’s had some challenges of his own. Earlier this year, doctors diagnosed Moose with prostate cancer. He’s made it through aggressive rounds of chemotherapy

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Punster’s Lawn Cow Brings Smiles During Stressful Coronavirus Lockdown

What good is a lawn cow if she’s not making neighbors smile? Full disclosure on this lawn cow. She’s not just any cow. She happens to be a friend. Well, the cow of my good friend, Tracy Field. We go back to Stanford days. Tracy and I. Not the cow. The cow showed up a few years ago as a birthday present and she’s been a regular fixture in front of Tracy’s Atlanta home ever since. Her name is Priscilla.

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My Husband Said ‘No Dog On The Couch!’ And Then This Happened

You make the call about dog on the couch-Yes or No? I’ve started shopping for one of those DNA kits.      For my husband.      The need is rather urgent.      For it’s become rather obvious,      He is not the man I married.      You might remember THAT guy, Dear Reader. An unlikely marriage      The one who was such an animal-unlover that he seriously considered not marrying pet-crazy me.      The one who insisted we go to pre-marital

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How Our Best-Intentioned Wedding Anniversary Plans Went Totally Squirrelly

Somehow it’s another wedding anniversary that didn’t go as planned It was supposed to be a special anniversary. For Husband and me. Lucky number 7. And yet, It was not the anniversary we planned.      Husband tried to surprise me with out-of-town plans.      No one was waiting for his last-minute search.      He pivoted to Plan B. “Let’s splurge and go to a fancy new restaurant.”      Which was also very exciting.      Until an hour later when the

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Your Dog Doesn’t Love You Back Like You Love Her And Let’s Be Thankful For That

The fur was flying. With good reason. I caught a recent online segment of “Good Morning Britain.” Call it mindless internet surfing. I call it, “research.” For this column. Yeah, I’m going with that. Can you say this about your beloved dog? I’m watched this segment, shaking my head, thinking, “Did they really go there?” A commentator daring to say the unsayable. About a dog’s love. That he can’t. Your dog can’t love you back. At least not in the

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How My Dog Got Me A Husband And Yours Could, Too

My dog got me a husband by taking matters into her own paws The numbers didn’t add up.      Not to this dog lover.      86%.      That’s how many people say they would break up with someone who doesn’t like their dog. This would never be me      “How ridiculous,” I thought as I looked at the research from a dog walking company called, “Wag!”  “Who would even consider dating someone who didn’t like their dog?”      That’s about

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How My Naughty Dog And I Ruined What Was Left Of Facebook

Leave it to me to ruin Facebook. Granted, your high school frenemy’s unending photos of her perfect children, the Russians, and your Cousin Allen’s hysterical political posts made the first big push. I, now, have finished it off. With the help of my naughty dog. There was one wonderful, happy place left on the place that has become a social media cesspool. Was, being the key word. Not long after Husband and I adopted our crazy blue tick coonhound-beagle-dachshund mutt,

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Why You Should Hire My Dog As Your Next Commencement Speaker

An opportunity has been missed. In this Graduation Season I see a long list of celebrities, politicians, and business giants asked to give commencement speeches. I watch. Looking to be impressed. Instead, I’m left with the feeling that once you get past the famous name, there’s often something missing. The feeling that, well, My dog could do better. So, graduates of the Class of 2018, let me fill in the blanks where perhaps your commencement speaker left you wanting. I

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