Olympic Gold Medalist Simone Manuel Has The Best Nickname In Sports!

America fell in love with Olympic swimmer Simone Manuel Thursday night when she tied for the gold medal in the 100-meter freestyle.
Her time of 52.70 tied her with 16-year-old Canadian Penny Oleksiak, the pair sharing a new Olympic record and both receiving a gold medal.
That makes her the first African American woman to win a gold medal in an individual swimming event.
She clearly was excited and overtaken with emotion as her accomplishment sunk in (no pun intended.)
Make no mistake, Manuel is no overnight success. She’s been working hard in the pool since she first started taking swim lessons when she was four years old.
And she was on swim club teams for years before enrolling at Stanford.
Simone tells US Magazine that it was one of the parents of another swimmer who gave her the perfect nickname.
“I think one time she was saying like, ‘Simone swims…’, ‘Swim, Simone.’ Then when she said it, like, it all came together and she was like, ’Swimone!’ she tells Us Weekly of the fateful naming. “So after that a lot of people have called me Swimone!”
How perfect is that?
I think this fabulous young woman needs to trademark that.
Congratulations on making history, Swimone!