Granting My Mother’s Final Wish

I wonder if they know how ridiculous they sound. Those doctors. The ones trying to sell my mother on further treatment. How do you convince a woman months away from her 80th birthday that she should sign up a cacophony of torture? “We can put in a feeding tube for a couple of weeks,” their pitch began. “We’ll send you to a nursing home where you’ll be connected to an IV, sit in diapers, and wait. If you do well

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Why I Can’t Do The Facebook “7-Day Love My Spouse” Challenge

It would be so romantic. A wonderful tribute to my husband. I get that. And still, I can’t do it. I’m talking about the latest viral thing floating around Facebook. Have you seen this? The “7-Day Love Your Spouse” Challenge. The goal is to post photos of your beloved spouse for seven days including some mushy note expounding on their amazing qualities. And you’re supposed to tag two other friends, challenging them to do the same. I’ve been tagged twice.

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My Family’s Shameful Travel Confession

Pressure. I’m feeling it. The need to declare allegiance to a team. To claim certain values. A way of life. Hold your political horses. You know we don’t go there in this space. And yet, With summer vacation wrapping up, another round of trips ready to post in the digital scrapbook, There feels this need to own, Honestly own, Where I fall in one of life’s big questions. Do you travel or do you vacation? Because, Dear Reader, you know

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When Your Friend’s Mom Is So Much More Than Just Your Friend’s Mom

Please help me. I need a word. A word we don’t have in English. One that we really need. That I need. Today. For today is a sad day. My friend’s mom has passed away. A woman I’ve known more than 30 years. A woman who has made me laugh. Made me feel loved. A woman who has suffered with illness far too long. So, perhaps, it is not sad that she is gone, That chapter closed. But it is

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Why It Only Took 24 Seconds For My Daughter To Make Me Cry

I might as well go ahead and tell you. Self-report. Spill. If I don’t, surely, you’ll hear about it from my daughter. Same daughter who is about to become a senior in high school. Same daughter I thoroughly embarrassed this week. It all started with an invitation I never saw coming. “My senior class pictures are Tuesday and I think you should come with me,” she casually threw out a few days before. Apparently, this is quite the deal at

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Something Smells Funny In My Marriage

Something smells funny in my marriage. And by something, I mean someone. And by someone, I mean my husband. He doesn’t smell bad. Rather, wonderful, I must say. But he smells funny, as in his sense of smell. He smells everything. I interrupt our upcoming fourth wedding anniversary to ask, “Why didn’t you mention this before I got married?” Of all the things we were supposed to figure out if we’re compatible—religion, politics, money, raising kids, health. No one mentioned

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Sure Fire Way To Find Out You’re A Terrible Person

We’re having a popularity crisis at our house. What do you expect in house filled with teens? How sweet of you to offer your sincere compassion about our kids. Actually, you can save your concern. For them. They are fine. It’s we parents who are not doing so well. In case you haven’t heard– We are terrible people. Truly. Terrible. One teen this week was not allowed to drive home by herself through a bad neighborhood at 1 am. You

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What Can You Do With Joy When There Is So Much Hurt In The World?

It was just supposed to be a short vacation. Not a chance to learn yet another life lesson. A chance to not work my brain and my heart so hard. That’s what I was thinking last week as my travel wizard husband pulled one of his miles miracles and flew us off to Costa Rica. Just us. No kids. No worries. That was the idea. At least. Until reality came crashing into paradise. “Did you hear what happened in Orlando?”

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When You Know Who Your Family Is, Even If You Look Different Than Others

You’ll forgive my cousin. She’s a little weepy today. Her Facebook feed popped up one of those anniversary photos that remind you where you were a year ago. What a photo. What a year. Amanda and her husband, Adam, were in Ethiopia. Meeting their son for the first time. In person, that is. They met him in their hearts years before. So, you might want to make this “What a three years!” Ask anyone who has adopted, Dear Reader. They’ll

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Facebook Posts-Yeah, I Said This About The Orlando Massacre

Millions have had their say about the massacre early Sunday morning at The Pulse nightclub in Orlando. Here are a couple of my thoughts, just in case we’re not connected on Facebook. And we can always spend more time together with my book, “Hope Possible: A Network News Anchor’s Thoughts On Losing Her Job, Finding Love, A New Career, And My Dog, Always My Dog.”

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