Husband Creates Travel Masterpiece: Around The World In First Class For $383.45!

I imagine most husbands’ idea of some time away means a few days at the beach? Couple days at a cabin? I’m not really sure, as I’m very late to the marriage game and Miles Chasing Mad Scientist Husband is my entire husband sample. Beyond family, MCMSH’s passion is collecting frequent flyer miles without flying and cashing them in to travel the world First Class on the fanciest planes, fanciest airlines, which he likes to point out upfront are not

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My Husband Paid $7 Bucks & All I Got Was A $46,000 Plane Ride

So what does it feel like to fly First Class on one of the fanciest airlines in the world? To experience a level of service no US-based airline even offers? How about I take you along for the ride my husband and I just took? Yes, that husband. The Mad Scientist Miles Chaser, the one who collects millions of frequent flyer points for our family without flying. He tries to wow me once a year with some over-the-top experience. Let’s

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Your Take On My Husband’s Surprise–You More Than Helped Me Decide What To Do

Oh, what a trip it has been! The adventure has started, even weeks before I get on the plane. For that, I have you to thank, Dear Reader. It was just a few weeks ago that I asked you for some marital advice. I shared how my husband has this crazy, geeky hobby where he collects frequent flyer miles without flying. How he’s whisking me off to a tropical paradise in the Maldives.. And.. And… That was where I was stuck. The

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Frequent Flyer Miles Rookies–Target Your Dream Trip!

So you want to get started on this incredibly fun and lucrative hobby of points chasing. Of course, you read my last post and did your dreaming—where do you want to go with these zillions of miles you are going to collect without flying?  That’s really important because it is going to help direct how you’re going to collect. MH has put together this handy guide: —————————————————————————————————————————————— Continental US: Southwest, British Airways Hawaii: United, British Airways     Australia/Asia: Delta, United,

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Great Trick When You Have To Pay Cash For Plane Ticket

You can bet the Mad Scientist Miles Husband (MSMH) hates to use actual money to buy plane tickets. When there isn’t a great miles deal, he has been known to use the “Hidden City” technique. Simply, this means booking a longer flight than your planned destination. You get off the plane during a layover in your chosen city. Why would you do that? Because, believe it or not, that longer flight just might be cheaper than if you were to

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Newbie Frequent Flyer Mile Collectors–You Wanna Do This First

This is Husband. The Mad Miles Scientist. He wants to set you up for success as you try to do what he does–collect millions of frequent flyer miles without flying. He’s sitting here telling me, “Folks are so excited. They want to dive into the deep end. Sign up for a bunch of credit cards, to burn the miles you already have.  But really, to make the most of this game, you need to get focused.” So listen to Husband.

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Is Husband’s Surprise A Good Thing?

To be surprised? Or not surprised? That is the marital question I need your help with this week, Dear Reader. I’ve shared in previous columns my husband’s rather quirky, geeky hobby. Crazy, mad genius obsession, might be a better description. Husband collects frequent flyer miles without flying. Millions of them. It’s all the way we spend our money: mortgage, power bill, grocery store, clothes. No dollar goes out the door without generating miles. Make that multiples of miles. We live

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It Takes A Village To Raise My Mom

It takes a village to raise… A parent. You and I have long known about the need of the so-called village of neighbors, friends and family to raise our kids. Today, I’m thanking the village it takes to care for my mom. My mom, who has it made it quite clear she’s not leaving our hometown where she’s spent her entire life, even if all the kids live far away. My mom, who was diagnosed with a mild form of lymphoma a few months ago and has

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