Why I Gave My Phone Number To A Guy At A Bar This Week

    I wrote down my phone number and passed it to a man at a bar this week.     Asked him to call me.     Please, please call me!     My husband is,     Well,     So incredibly proud.     As we have a crisis brewing.     With the new laptop I bought.     Like moving into a new house, I need to move my old files onto the new one.     Which is a problem because my old

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Could Thanksgiving This Year Be Any More Awkward?

This would appear to be some incredibly poor planning. Thanksgiving. There is no holiday I love more. The spirit of gratitude. The food. You, too, Dear Reader? You are days away from going to great effort to gather around an abundant table of food with your family. You might even spend a lot of money and time to get there. A lovely thought. And, Terrible timing. This year, at least. Who was the genius that scheduled Thanksgiving for the same

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Guest Blogger: The Gift Of Shifting Into Yes

(Note from Daryn: Guest Blogger Valerie Hartman stops into DarynKagan.com to share her big lesson about shifting into yes. Instead of always thinking something isn’t possible, maybe, just maybe it is.) It started in the spring of 2015.   My daughter casually mentioned a conversation she had recently had with her Dad.  She told me that he wanted to take her to Paris on one of their next scheduled trips (spoiler alert-we are divorced-not the most amicable-but have figured out how

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‘From Behind’ Photos Tell The Best Stories

My finger needs to calm down. Fight the itch. The one that is so quick to delete. The one that is instant judge and jury over a photo not being worthy. I’m reminded of this lesson as I go through old family photos. Which to keep. Which to toss. Does your delete finger itchy, as well, Dear Reader? The one that is about to delete that imperfect photo. You know you’re inclined to do it. Make more space on your

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The People Walker Walks People Instead Of Dogs

Chuck McCarthy is a people walker. He also happens to be a struggling actor who was looking for a way to earn some actual cash around Los Angeles while he goes for his big dream. He thought about dog walking. Chuck loves dogs. Loves walking. Poop, not so much. So he got creative and came up with the idea of walking people. He tells The Guardian newspaper that he went low-tech. He scrawled “The People Walker” on a plain white

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Impossible Trash Can Toss Scores A’s For Entire Chemistry Class

Consider this– the impossible trash can toss heard across the campus of The Ohio State University. One student, Vinny Forte, got what seemed like a impossible dare from the professor in organic chemistry. Make the shot from across the lecture hall and everyone in the class would get an “A” on the first quiz of the year. The attempt and success was captured on video and shared on Twitter. S/o to Benny for making this shot and getting the entire

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American Gold Medal Swimmer Lilly King Calls Out Drug Cheats When Olympic Officials Won’t

American Gold Medal Swimmer Lilly King is proving to be a champion in more ways than just the shiny hardware she can now wear proudly around her neck. King has been outspoken on drug cheats being allowed to compete in the Olympics. USA Today’s Christine Brennan has been doing a wonderful job of covering the controversy. She reports this particular spat centers around King and her rival, Russia’s Yulia Efimova. The Russian the 2012 bronze medalist and world champion who

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How This Teenager From A Tiny African Nation Is Swimming Through Personal Pain

Swimming events at the upcoming Rio Olympics will no doubt be some of the most popular of the entire games. USA, Russia, Poland, Australia–they all have strong contenders heading into the games. But one of the best stories might be about a teenager from the small African nation of Malawi. Save your surfing over to a geography site. It’s also home to an incredibly inspiring teenager with an electric smile. Amy Montalvo of OnePass Productions has the story of Amarra

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Governor’s Wife Takes Summer Job Waiting Tables

A governor’s wife is turning heads in a seaside town in Maine where she has taken a summer job waiting tables. Ann LePage is the First Lady of Maine. Sounds glamorous. Most of the year she works her tail off supporting causes around her state. Her husband, Paul LePage, makes $70,000 a year, making him the lowest paid governor in the country. The LePages aren’t exactly complaining, but it does mean things can be tight, especially if you want some

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Funny Horse Keeps Reporter Laughing As He Fails At Stand Up After Stand Up

So many of my current and fellow reporters will appreciate this reporter for Greek TV as he tries to shoot a stand up with a teasing horse determined to make him laugh. The Daily Mail says the reporter was trying to do a story for Makedonia TV, which was to include a stand up with Frankie the horse in the background. Clearly, Frankie has very specific ideas on how this stand up should go. And once the reporter gets the

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