Funny Horse Keeps Reporter Laughing As He Fails At Stand Up After Stand Up

A funny horse insists on teasing and nudging a reporter for Makedonia TV as he tries to shoot a stand up. Instead, he just gets a bunch of bloopers and giggles.

So many of my current and fellow reporters will appreciate this reporter for Greek TV as he tries to shoot a stand up with a teasing horse determined to make him laugh.

The Daily Mail says the reporter was trying to do a story for Makedonia TV, which was to include a stand up with Frankie the horse in the background.

Clearly, Frankie has very specific ideas on how this stand up should go.

And once the reporter gets the giggles, well, you know it’s game over.

Advantage, Horse.

I hope this turns out to be just a funny day at work for this reporter.

In case things take a more serious turn, I can assure him that there is life after TV news.

I wrote a book about it, in fact.

I hope you’ll check it out.

“Hope Possible: A Network News Anchor’s Thoughts On Losing Her Job, Finding Love, A New Career, And My Dog, Always My Dog.”

final front cover



Funny Horse Keeps Reporter Laughing As He Fails At Stand Up After Stand Up

by DarynKagan time to read: 1 min