July 8, 2013: I’m Back–Really!
Feels like I should have an approved absence note or something for you.
I haven’t been away from DarynKagan.com this much since I launched the website in 2006.
The note would read something like, “Please excuse Daryn for her absence, but she has been on a belated honeymoon and a family vacation-practically back to back.”
It feels like I’ve traveled half-way around the world and back twice in the last month. Probably because I have!
First, the trip of a lifetime with my husband to Hong Kong and Malaysia. Then a family trip to Hawaii to celebrate my in-laws 50th wedding anniversary.
Somewhere in there I had the intention of updating the website from the road. But I guess along the way I found out that I’m human.
Still, I’m happy to back. Ready to deliver your daily dose of uplifting stories, your daily newsletter, and my blog.
I’d love to hear what has been the highlight of your summer so far. Just fill me in in the comment box below.