I’m Getting A New Set Of Boobs Tomorrow

I’m getting a new set of boobs tomorrow. Uh oh. Have you just stepped into a classic case of over sharing? In a word, yes. This boob journey is one I never wanted to share. Didn’t want to share it with you.  Really didn’t want to share it with the woman I consider my best friend. See, the boobs in question are not exactly mine. They’re hers. The Phone Call That phone call seven months ago where she said, “The

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My Happy Marriage That Surely Will Not Last

Of all the punch lines I never planned on, this must surely be it. Somehow, I, out of all people, wake up today on the third anniversary of being married to a perfectly imperfect man. A man with more quirks than a roomful of brilliant physicists. After all, what could be quirkier than a man who loves me and treats me with such kindness and respect? Yeah, me. The forever-single gal who must’ve dated every non-commital man in America. Yeah,

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So, About That Time I Remembered My Life Changed; Maybe Yours, Too?

So, about that time I remembered my life changed…. A couple of precious gifts from neighbors showed up at my front door this week. No, not covered hot casseroles dishes so that I wouldn’t have to cook dinner. Though, that would’ve been nice. All contributions are always graciously accepted. This story starts with Eli. You know all that stuff you hear about what’s wrong with young people today? None of it is true about Eli. Here’s a young man who

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My Dog’s Name-The One I Never Wanted To Give Her, But Had No Choice

Oh, yes I did. Simply did what any other crazy dog lover would do. When I saw a new survey announcing “The Most Popular Dog Names In America,” I clicked. Clicked first. Ahead of checking out any stories on world peace, the volatile stock market or the environment, for surely, knowing where my dog’s name placed on the survey was more important, more pressing than any of those matters. I see you and your dog nodding, “Yes, of course.” It’s

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Lying About Your Age-Here’s How You Should Do It

“So this will be your 25th birthday,” a new acquaintance joked recently when he heard of my upcoming birthday.   There was that assumption again. When people — particularly women — get to a certain age, we’re supposed to lie about our age.     Certainly some people sign up for the game.   My own mother, born in 1936, still celebrates her 29th birthday. My friend Betsy, a devout Catholic, got to the age of 33 and decided to

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Rival Meteorologist And Other Journalists Fill In So WBDJ Journalists Can Go To Memorial

And here you have the other side of journalism. We saw the awful, dark, and twisted mind at work last week when Alison Parker and Adam Wade were shot dead while doing a live shot in Roanoke, Virginia. Monday, two former employees manned the evening broadcasts. Retired anchor Keith Humphry stepped in. Meteorologist Andrew Freiden is now at a rival station, NBC12, but he got his start at WDBJ. They were backed up by crews from CBS’ national news operation

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The Spoon That Held Hope I’d One Day Find Love

(((Coming up on our third wedding anniversary is making me nostalgic for that time when impossible dreams starting coming true. Sharing this column for you, who is still hoping to find love, and the friend who believes it’s possible, even when you can’t believe any longer. From June 2012:))) It must’ve been about four years ago when I first heard about The Spoon. Some of my best lady friends and I were on a Girls’ Trip to Charleston, SC. You know

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Picking Grandparent Names: Is This The New Baby Boomer Contact Sport?

My cousin is doing well, thank you very much. She survived a life milestone which I had no idea was supposed to be so challenging. And yet, as it often is with life passages, things like puberty, parenthood, or gray hair, we learn from those who bravely go before us. My cousin has picked her grandmother name. As my mom’s first cousin, she’s actually kind of late to the grandparent game. Her older daughter hasn’t had kids and her youngest

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The Stumble That Humbled Me And The Fall You Might’ve Had This Week, Too

I fell this week. By that, I mean, I fell. Literally, fell. Flat. It happened as I was just starting a little run, jog, or “shuffle” as my kids call it. That’s when I spotted a neighbor watering his lawn. I turned to say hello, focusing on the pretty flowers instead of the sidewalk in front of me. That’s all it took. My big ol’ right foot caught a crack in the sidewalk and I launched. Felt like it took

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My Husband And I Had Trust Issues This Week

Picture this, if you can. My husband and I had trust issues this week. Did I doubt he would provide for our family? Pull us out of a burning building, if need be? Step between me and a hungry saber-tooth tiger? Nah, he’d have that covered. This, though, was big. Months ago, I accepted a rare work gig that was going to take me out of town for 5 days. I figured Husband and our girls could, would do fine.

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