One Stupid Thing To Stop Saying About Cancer

Of all the cliché news phrases that drive me nuts, and trust me, there are more than a few— You can put up at the top of the list, “He lost his battle with cancer.” Please. We need to stop. Just stop saying this. Dear Reader, if your email to me is any indication, you get it. Ever since I began to share my mom’s journey of her recent diagnosis with lymphoma you have avalanched me with your story. With your

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Four Reasons I’m Against Gay Marriage

Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial -I’m against gay marriage, because to me, there is no such thing. It is simply, er, marriage. -I’m against gay marriage, because I would never want to be married to a gay man. I imagine our love life wouldn’t be all that great. Oh, and I’m already married. To a straight man. A wonderful straight man. There’s that. -I’m against the gay marriage ban. Oh, that’s it. That’s what I’m really against. Gay marriage

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My Husband Wants Me To Start Dating

My husband wants me to start dating. Wait, it gets better. He wants me to start dating women. If this isn’t among his sweetest, most endearing qualities, I don’t know what is. See, we’re not that wild, exciting swinging couple you might be imagining. About as far from that as possible. Look “Boring” up in the dictionary and there are our contented, smiling faces. The deal is Husband is worried about one of the greatest treasures of my life: my

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My Terrible Singing Makes For One Lonely Couch

Talk about a potential movie moment gone bust! The “Woe is me” moment brought on, by all things, by the recent “Sound of Music” Sing-A-Long on TV. Did you happen to catch it, Dear Reader? Did you sing along? As Julie Andrews sings, “Let’s start at the very beginning….” Of coming across the movie on TV, of looking to my family and saying, “Yes, Family let’s sing!” Here’s the thing—I didn’t get as far as a “deer, a female deer,” before my family turned this

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I Took My Mother For A Dose of Poison

I took my mother for a large dose of poison last week. Sound crazy? It gets crazier. I actually did it two days in a row. That double dose of poison is a gift. I’m so thankful to have access to pump it throughout her body. What kind of daughter does such a thing? The kind that’s hoping to save her mother’s life. I shared last week, Dear Reader, how my mother has been diagnosed with lymphoma. The poison I’m

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The Best Worst Reason To Get A Plane Ticket

Honeymoon. Traveling the world as a news correspondent. Volunteering at an orphanage in Africa. I’ve had a lot of great reasons to get on a plane. I now have the best worst one. “The doctor called with the test results,” my mother said on the phone last week from the other side of the country. “The biopsy shows I have a low-grade form of lymphoma.” The air sucked out of the room and everything on my calendar instantly turned to

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Imperfection: The Perfect Gift To Give This Holiday Season

I’ve figured the perfect gift! It’s perfect for– Well, everybody. That’s why I am now committing to a crummy holiday season. Okay, maybe not the whole season, But at least a couple of days. A few failure moments. You know me, Dear Reader. I’m all about gratitude, being happy with what you have. But a line is gets crossed this time of year. To go on Facebook, to open your mailbox is to be deluged with perfection! Everyone’s children are

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The Brain Game: The Adventure of Living With Folks Who’s Brains Aren’t Like Mine

I had one job. One job only. And I failed. Well, sorta. The task at hand—pack my teenaged daughter’s suitcase so my husband could whisk her away for a surprise Daddy-Daughter weekend. He had cashed in points, of course, to fly them to Los Angeles and catch their favorite British Boy Band concert. Yes, my husband has a favorite British Boy Band. Just one of his many quirks which include obsessively collecting frequent flyer miles, getting goose bumps from spread

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You Can’t Eat The Best Thing In My Kitchen

It’s the most important thing in my kitchen. It’s not food. Nor a pot or pan. Not even a fancy appliance. Folks who have known me a long time find it funny that I treasure anything in my kitchen. See, much to the disbelief of my husband and kids, the ones I now cook for on a nightly basis, the ones who enjoy my usually pretty darn edible, if not delicious meals, for most of my life, I couldn’t cook.

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What’s There To Be Thankful For Anyway?

Some days I struggle with that sign. The one that hangs on the wall just inside our front door. “In Everything Give Thanks” it reads, painted on a simple wood plank. My friend, Dana, gave me that sign about six years ago, a reminder of a time when things weren’t feeling so thank-y around here. A reminder of a time when something that seemed bad at first, turned out to be rather awesome, something indeed to be thankful for. I don’t know

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