One TV Mom Figures Out How To Have It All

    My friend, Lori, is nuts.     Some would say.     Who walks away from a job she worked more than 20 years to get?     A job she loves.     A job with perks.     Who does that?     A certain kind of woman.     Also known as,     A mom.     “My kids are now 9 and 5, precious ages I don’t want to miss,” she shared this week on Facebook.     Trading in 9-5 for her kids

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Could Thanksgiving This Year Be Any More Awkward?

This would appear to be some incredibly poor planning. Thanksgiving. There is no holiday I love more. The spirit of gratitude. The food. You, too, Dear Reader? You are days away from going to great effort to gather around an abundant table of food with your family. You might even spend a lot of money and time to get there. A lovely thought. And, Terrible timing. This year, at least. Who was the genius that scheduled Thanksgiving for the same

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My Romantic Gesture That Didn’t Go According To Plan

I take you into a romantic and intimate moment of my marriage this week. A chance to show my husband how well I know him. How much I love him. A few days ago, I was walking back from the grocery store. Along this path between the store and our house. A path where Husband likes to go running. As I carried the groceries, I looked down the way and spotted a single runner. Husband! Of course, I’d know his

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Finding Happiness In A Can Of Soup

I am not alone in this. I realized the other day. Thoughts of what it means to be alone. What it means to be happy. A seemingly spontaneous conversation with one of my teens brought this back. The memory splashing so fresh as we stood in the kitchen. The same kitchen I stood in when I was always the one to call. Single. No kids. I could always pick up the phone. My friend was calling about her dad. This

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New Study Says Your Dog Really Can Tell Time…Make That Smell Time

I stopped wearing a watch years ago. Not because I can tell time looking at my phone. Not because I’m so carefree I don’t care about the time of day. All valid, modern reasons. I don’t wear a watch for one simple reason. I have a dog. My DarlaDog’s sense of time is so spot on, She is so reliable, Queen Elizabeth could employ her to set Big Ben. Have you noticed with your best friend, as well, Dear Besotted

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How A Fish Explained The Hardest Part About Parenting To Me

I’m in debt to a fish. The fish, who in 10 seconds, explained my parenting conundrum to me. Keep your expert books, parenting websites. I have clarity now. Thanks to the fish. You see, Dear Reader, my daughter is a senior in high school. We are in the season of looking at colleges. So much has changed since I went 10,000 years ago. These days, the kids put everything they want in a school and a software program spits out

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How I Got Myself Into A Holiday Pickle Without Even Trying

Let me start with the relief. My neighbor still talks to me. Even since it happened. That unfortunate incident. Also known as her holiday party. She’s a relatively new neighbor. Who knew she brought with her a legendary holiday tradition? “Come To My Naughty Santa Party” the invitation read early in the holiday season last year. A “Ladies Only” party. We were supposed to wear pajamas and spend $20 on an ornament to gift. Have you been to these sort of

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‘From Behind’ Photos Tell The Best Stories

My finger needs to calm down. Fight the itch. The one that is so quick to delete. The one that is instant judge and jury over a photo not being worthy. I’m reminded of this lesson as I go through old family photos. Which to keep. Which to toss. Does your delete finger itchy, as well, Dear Reader? The one that is about to delete that imperfect photo. You know you’re inclined to do it. Make more space on your

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The Treasures I Never Expected To Inherit From My Mother

They are not mentioned in my mother’s will. And yet, It is so clear she left them to me. True treasures. So grand, I never planned on an inheritance so rich. Probably you should wait, Before you start fantasizing about how I will spend the millions of dollars, Move into incredible homes, Drip myself in sparkling jewels. Let me clarify. My mother passed away last month leaving very few material things. It wasn’t the life she planned. It’s the life

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How My Mother Shocked Me In One Of Our Final Moments Together

Leave it to my mom to depart this world with an incredible story. A surprise. A mystery. This one unfolded during the early morning hours in her darkened hospital room in the days before she passed a few weeks ago. Just me and her. Oh, how I’m thankful for those stolen private moments available only because the nurses offered me the couch and some blankets to spend the night in my mother’s room. Moments to write down all that she

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