How My Brilliant Idea Managed To Meltdown A Four Year-Old’s Birthday Party

It’s not that I meant to meltdown my four year-old neighbor’s birthday party. Just talented, I guess. And giftless. Yes, I dared to walk into a four year-old’s party without a gift. Crazy week, whatever. I know when you’re four, you know birthday equals presents. I did have what I thought was a brilliant idea. I just happened to have an old Hot Wheels car laying around. It must’ve been left over from a long ago visit from one of

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The One Who Cured The Worst Pity Party Of My Life

This week I have the story of one lucky girl.      A story that starts with a pathetic pity party.      Mine.      On a Sunday night, long ago.      What is it about Sunday nights?      How they magnify lonely and sad.      Which is what I cried to my best friend.      It wasn’t the first time we’d had this talk.      Which is probably why she cut short the empathy and sent me a link.      With a simple note.      “I think you need to do this.”      It

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CBS Sunday Morning Debut: A Mother’s Day Card For My Daughter’s First Mother

Thank you, CBS Sunday Morning, for the chance to be on your incredible program! Such a thrill to hear Jane Pauley introduce my piece. This is about dreams coming true in ways you don’t expect. About being in debt to others, And mostly, about one awesome daughter. And this is for you, You, who might be with the one you want this Mother’s Day. I’m sending love. And understanding. If enjoy this story, you might enjoy my book, “Hope Possible:

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Why, Yes, I Would Save My Dog First In Case Of A Fire. Wouldn’t You?

It’s one of the earliest memories of my horrifying my kids.      Earliest.      Not the last.      I am, after all,      A mother.      A conversation about fire safety started this particular episode.      We started with something like, “How would you get out of the house in an emergency?”      Once I was satisfied with their proposed plans, I shifted to the philosophical. “What is the one thing you would want to save?” I asked. The girls made me go first.      Which was easy, because

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The Joy Of Losing A Job I Have Loved So Very Much

It appears I’m losing my job. A job I’ve loved very much. A job I dreamed of getting for years. Even though I knew I was the least worthy person in the world. I didn’t have an ice cube in the desert’s chance of getting. And yet, It happened. Now, it’s going away. And I am, Well, Happy. Scratch that. Mark me down as giddy. The job? Like you, Dear Reader, it is one of many I juggle. I am,

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The Honest Reason Why It’s Better We Are 500 Miles Apart On Our Anniversary

We won’t be together this anniversary. It makes perfect sense, actually. Things are working just as they are supposed to. In a world where often not much makes sense, This does. I need to remind myself of that today. This is an anniversary that very few get. And one, I bet, You, who are a parent, Dear Reader, will understand. I did not come to motherhood in a traditional way. I married a single dad who was raising his young

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The Treasure My Ex-Boyfriend Left Behind

She wasn’t the gift I was expecting. Not from my boyfriend. A very long ago boyfriend, I should clarify. This is a story about where we get our people. About how ugly can sometimes, Sometimes, Leave behind a treasure. There was so much wrong with this particular relationship. Red flags from the beginning. And yet, I stayed. Stayed for years. I, the columnist who writes about a healthy marriage, raising kids, normalish stuff, I’m so disappointed when I look at

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That Time My Husband Declared Me Guilty Without A Fair Trial

The truth is, I’m not sorry. Let’s establish that right off. Before we get to the thing, The accusation, My husband has accused me of. Yes, that husband. The one, Who, wonderful as he is, Is not great at sharing, In one certain circumstance. He’ll give you his last dime, The shirt off his back. But dessert? Don’t let him close. A single lick of an ice cream cone is not in his repertoire. Split a dessert at a restaurant?

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Hands Down, This Is The Holiday To End All Holidays

It’s possible today is your day.      Your special day.      You, who did not have a single Hallmark moment with your less than functional family at Thanksgiving.      You, who did not put the “Ho Ho Ho” in Christmas.      You, who didn’t look up once from your desk wondering if that bouquet of red roses delivery was for you. You can go ahead and blow.      Blow out big.      Give me a giant exhale.      You’ve made it.     

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Why I Finally Drew The Line On My Husband’s Love Affair

I drew the line at Chex Mix.      I had to.      Draw it somewhere.      Had you been here to see what’s been going on in this home, you would’ve expected me to do something.      Anything.      A lot sooner.      How many wives could standby calmly      And bear witness to their husband’s love affair?      It started innocently enough.      Taking a walk with her.      Private conversations.      Snuggling on the couch.      Wrestling games.      Husband

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