How I Got Myself Into A Holiday Pickle Without Even Trying

Let me start with the relief. My neighbor still talks to me. Even since it happened. That unfortunate incident. Also known as her holiday party. She’s a relatively new neighbor. Who knew she brought with her a legendary holiday tradition? “Come To My Naughty Santa Party” the invitation read early in the holiday season last year. A “Ladies Only” party. We were supposed to wear pajamas and spend $20 on an ornament to gift. Have you been to these sort of

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Guest Blogger: The Gift Of Shifting Into Yes

(Note from Daryn: Guest Blogger Valerie Hartman stops into to share her big lesson about shifting into yes. Instead of always thinking something isn’t possible, maybe, just maybe it is.) It started in the spring of 2015.   My daughter casually mentioned a conversation she had recently had with her Dad.  She told me that he wanted to take her to Paris on one of their next scheduled trips (spoiler alert-we are divorced-not the most amicable-but have figured out how

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Cop Drives Man Over 100 Miles After Traffic Stop

This is so not the white cop pulls over African American man story we’ve been seeing the news lately. Mark Ross knew he was in trouble as soon as he saw the flashing lights in the rear view mirror. Actually, the trouble, the tragedy, started hours before. Ross was in Ohio when he got the devastating phone call. His teenaged sister had been killed in a car accident. Ross knew he had to get to his grieving mother as soon

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‘From Behind’ Photos Tell The Best Stories

My finger needs to calm down. Fight the itch. The one that is so quick to delete. The one that is instant judge and jury over a photo not being worthy. I’m reminded of this lesson as I go through old family photos. Which to keep. Which to toss. Does your delete finger itchy, as well, Dear Reader? The one that is about to delete that imperfect photo. You know you’re inclined to do it. Make more space on your

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The People Walker Walks People Instead Of Dogs

Chuck McCarthy is a people walker. He also happens to be a struggling actor who was looking for a way to earn some actual cash around Los Angeles while he goes for his big dream. He thought about dog walking. Chuck loves dogs. Loves walking. Poop, not so much. So he got creative and came up with the idea of walking people. He tells The Guardian newspaper that he went low-tech. He scrawled “The People Walker” on a plain white

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Judge Allows Inmate To Meet Baby Son For First Time

An exception, a rare act of compassion for an inmate. A man who happens also to be a new father. This is nothing they teach you in law school. Or how to be a judge. Still, Louisville, Kentucky Judge Amber Wolf calls this “probably one of the best things I’ve ever done.” Judge Wolf pushed aside typical procedures and allowed inmate James Roeder to meet his one-month old son for the first time. reports that both Roeder and his

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Bridesmaids Hold Rescue Puppies Instead Of Bouquets

Rescue puppies, talk about the perfect “Something Borrowed” for an incredible wedding. That’s what one bride who has dedicated herself to rescuing animals made happen for her special day. has a great story about the wedding of Sarah Mollouck and Matt Crain. Sarah works for Pitties Love Peace which is a rescue organization in Pennsylvania. Sarah and Matt have three rescue dogs and they foster puppies and dogs who are looking for forever homes. They figured it would be

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The Treasures I Never Expected To Inherit From My Mother

They are not mentioned in my mother’s will. And yet, It is so clear she left them to me. True treasures. So grand, I never planned on an inheritance so rich. Probably you should wait, Before you start fantasizing about how I will spend the millions of dollars, Move into incredible homes, Drip myself in sparkling jewels. Let me clarify. My mother passed away last month leaving very few material things. It wasn’t the life she planned. It’s the life

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He Put A Ring On It! Beyonce’s Lead Dancer Gets Engaged During Concert

One of superstar singer Beyonce’s most popular songs is “All The Single Ladies.” You can’t help put repeat the refrain over and over, “If you liked it should’ve put a ring on it.” I hear you singing it right now. One of her back up dancers, John Silver, must’ve been listening closely when they performed that song last week in St. Louis during The Formation World Tour. The Daily Mail reports Silver popped the question to fellow dancer, Ashley Everett,

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How My Mother Shocked Me In One Of Our Final Moments Together

Leave it to my mom to depart this world with an incredible story. A surprise. A mystery. This one unfolded during the early morning hours in her darkened hospital room in the days before she passed a few weeks ago. Just me and her. Oh, how I’m thankful for those stolen private moments available only because the nurses offered me the couch and some blankets to spend the night in my mother’s room. Moments to write down all that she

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