Funny Horse Keeps Reporter Laughing As He Fails At Stand Up After Stand Up

So many of my current and fellow reporters will appreciate this reporter for Greek TV as he tries to shoot a stand up with a teasing horse determined to make him laugh. The Daily Mail says the reporter was trying to do a story for Makedonia TV, which was to include a stand up with Frankie the horse in the background. Clearly, Frankie has very specific ideas on how this stand up should go. And once the reporter gets the

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What Can You Do With Joy When There Is So Much Hurt In The World?

It was just supposed to be a short vacation. Not a chance to learn yet another life lesson. A chance to not work my brain and my heart so hard. That’s what I was thinking last week as my travel wizard husband pulled one of his miles miracles and flew us off to Costa Rica. Just us. No kids. No worries. That was the idea. At least. Until reality came crashing into paradise. “Did you hear what happened in Orlando?”

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When You Know Who Your Family Is, Even If You Look Different Than Others

You’ll forgive my cousin. She’s a little weepy today. Her Facebook feed popped up one of those anniversary photos that remind you where you were a year ago. What a photo. What a year. Amanda and her husband, Adam, were in Ethiopia. Meeting their son for the first time. In person, that is. They met him in their hearts years before. So, you might want to make this “What a three years!” Ask anyone who has adopted, Dear Reader. They’ll

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Grandson Shares Grandmother’s Delightful, Polite Google Search

Ben John didn’t know if he would be the only one who would be delighted, but when he came upon his grandmother’s Google search, he knew he had to share it. The BBC reports Ben John was at his gran’s house in Britain to do some laundry when he asked to borrow her laptop. He opened it up to see she had been searching for something on Google. May Ashworth simply wanted to a translation of a long line of

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Best Friends From Compton Make Good On Pact To Succeed

Compton is perhaps not the first place a reporter would think to do a story on six academic superstars. That would be a mistake. A mistake to underestimate the power of girlfriends. Six girls who made a pact in middle school. CBS News reports that if one was going to succeed, they were all going to succeed. In the spirit of, “You, Go, Girlfriend!” check out what these girls have accomplished. Dedicated to each of my girlfriends who has pushed

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NFL Player Asks To Adopt Shelter Dog That’s “Been Here A Long Time”

Plenty of good hearts walk into rescue shelters looking to adopt a shelter dog. Baltimore Ravens linebacker Ronnie Stanley and his girlfriend had even a higher mission when they went to BARCS. The shelter shares the story on their Facebook page where they say Stanley specifically asked, “We are looking for a dog that’s been here a long time and maybe not-so-adoptable.” They met a number of dogs, but Stanley knew he’d found his pup when he met Winter. She’s a 6-year-old

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9/11 Fire Chief Finally Gets Funeral 15 Years Later, A Twist Of His Own Generosity

A New York City fire chief finally received his proper funeral this week 15 years after he was killed during the 9/11 attacks. The beautiful twist of the story, the funeral was finally able to happen because of one of his own selfless acts. Batallion chief Lawrence T. Stack was 58-years-old when he died. He’d spent 33 years fighting fires. The New York Times reports Chief Stack died a hero rescuing countless other firefighters and civilians as the World Trade

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Orlando Victim’s Grandmother Gets Amazing, Compassionate Treatment Onboard JetBlue Flight

It’s the flight no grandmother should have to take. When the grandmother of one of the victim’s of the Orlando nightclub massacre got onboard a JetBlue flight to go to her grandson’s funeral, the flight attendants made sure she was surrounded with love and compassion. Flight attendant Kelly Davis Karas shared on her Facebook page that she and her fellow workers were moved to find out Luis Omar Ocasio-Capo’s grandmother was onboard their flight heading to Orlando. They set some things

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Facebook Posts-Yeah, I Said This About The Orlando Massacre

Millions have had their say about the massacre early Sunday morning at The Pulse nightclub in Orlando. Here are a couple of my thoughts, just in case we’re not connected on Facebook. And we can always spend more time together with my book, “Hope Possible: A Network News Anchor’s Thoughts On Losing Her Job, Finding Love, A New Career, And My Dog, Always My Dog.”

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