Love Books? You Might Hate Me For Saying This

If you like this story, please check out my new book, “Hope Possible: A Network News Anchor’s Thoughts On Losing Her Job, Finding Love, A New Career, And My Dog, Always My Dog.” You’d think I’d know better. To dive back into one of these relationships. I mean, really. And yet, Here I go again. Thinking, Hoping, Kidding myself, That this time things will be different. Oh, don’t go all judgey on me, Dear Reader. Because I know you. I

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Why My Ex-Boyfriend Said I Could Tell This Formerly Wonderful Story

As break-ups go, this was one of my yuckier. The details still so clear, all these years later. We met soon after I moved to Atlanta to work for CNN. He also had just moved to the city to do a one-year surgical fellowship. I was so sure he was The One. A year into dating, he came to be sure that I wasn’t his. The big clue being his accepting a job on the other side of the country.

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Daryn’s New Book, “Hope Possible!” Is Here!

I’m so excited that my new book, “Hope Possible” is here! The full title is, “Hope Possible: A Network News Anchor’s Thoughts On Losing A Job, Finding Love, A New Career, And My Dog, Always My Dog.” Here’s a peek at what it says on the back cover: From your TV screen, Daryn Kagan looked like she had her dream job.   As a news anchor for CNN, she had a front row seat to the world’s biggest breaking news

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The Shocking Thing I Discovered In My Teen’s Secret, Hidden Letter

I didn’t mean to snoop. I swear. I wasn’t looking to stumble across my teen’s secret letter. A letter bubbling over with emotion. With a broken heart. With defiance. She will stand by her man. “I have yet to hear a legitimate gripe about him,” she wails. “I’m not going to stop seeing him no matter what you say.” Oh my. And to think I was just hunting around in the basement hoping to find an old photo of my

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The CRAZY, Never-Before-Seen Thing I Saw On Our Family Trip To Africa

8,342 miles. Three plane rides. 29 hours of travel. What a trip. To see the sights of South Africa. Elephant, hippos, rhinos! Come on over and I’ll be happy to inundate you with our family’s vacation photos and videos. [iframe id=”” align=”center”] None comes close to the most remarkable thing I witnessed on this adventure with my husband and two kids. After all, How do you prepare a teenager they are about to enter a world they’ve never experienced? A

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Is The World Too Scary To Travel? What To Do?

This is the trip that almost wasn’t. And by trip, I mean trip of a lifetime. Husband, aka, Mad Scientist Miles Man has done it again. Figured out a way we can take our two girls to Africa for Christmas. Yeah, Africa. Land of elephants, lions, and hippos. Home of Nelson Mandela. Husband figured out a way a few months ago with his miles magic he could make this happen for $100 bucks a person. I’m not kidding. For four

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My Most Unrealistic New Year’s Resolution Ever

     It’s possible I’m setting myself up for failure.      It is true.      After all, don’t all those psychologist types recommend you keep it realistic on New Year’s resolutions?      I don’t care.      I’m going big.      Shooting for the stars.      Or rather, for the socks.      Yes, socks.      My New Year’s resolution is simply socks.      I want to be able to open that vestibule I call my “sock drawer” and find one matching

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Your Home Improvement Project Can Earn You Frequent Flyer Miles

You’re finally getting around to that home improvement project–new roof, gutting a bathroom, new furniture. Your house is going to look so much better, but you hate spending that money. Even if you’ve already found the improvement you want from Architectural Fibreglass Mouldings, pulling the trigger can be difficult when there’s so much money involved. There goes any travel budget. Right? What if that money you’re spending on your house could earn you miles toward free travel, even free luxury

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Got The Best Gift; Why I Need To Give It Back

This is a “Thank You” note to my friend, Clare. Clare, who has delivered the best gift this holiday season. A gift for me. A gift for you. Clare, which rhymes with “Share.” Clare who’s life has changed forever. That’s what she’s sharing. And boy, has she shared. Shared with her friends and Facebook community the hugest shock of her life. That routine mammogram, the one she got just because she should, it showed a lump. A lump she hadn’t

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Husband Makes 50,000 Airline Miles Just By Taking Me To Lunch

Welcome to my world where Mad Scientist Miles Husband figures out a way to earn airline miles without flying. It’s kind of like living with a crazy genius. Sunday, he invites me for a midday date. I thought it was about picking out new colors to paint our house and getting some lunch. We’re just a block away from our house when he announces, “We’re going to earn 50,000 miles just by going to lunch!” (insert giddy, delighted with himself

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