The excellent reason I lied to my husband

I lied to my husband this week.      Which sounds awful and horrible.      Judge me, if you must.      But first consider this:      It was all for a good cause.      And,      And,      He told me to. How we got to the lie      It was one of those mid-January snowy gray weekends. Both daughters are gone.      Just Husband, Pup, and I at home doing the kind of chores and tasks no one wants to

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My panties on the porch. So, there’s a story…

There was a perfectly good explanation.      Daughter would call it horrifying.      It started out simply enough, as these embarrassing stories often do.      Somehow, Husband and I convinced Daughter to take a walk with us last weekend. We leashed up the pup and headed out. Hiding the house key      Because we wanted to travel light, Husband hid our house key under an outdoor couch cushion.      When we got back from the walk, Husband picked up the

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Can I Stop Running After The One I Love?

Can we save them from dangerous choices?      I knew it was a dangerous thought as soon as it popped into head.      “What will I write about this week? Not much has happened.”      This is always, without fail, when something happens.      Something big. Trouble ahead      It was Sunday evening. The sun was setting, tucking in a quiet weekend. Husband down in the yard working out on his weight bench.      Pup by his side.      Until

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When Your Past Invites You To Come Back

It was the call I’d waited for so much of my career.      It felt like it dropped out of the sky late this summer.      A new news organization reached out a saying they wanted to discuss an opportunity.      I thought they would want me to produce uplifting and positive content, after all this is what I’ve been doing since losing my job as a network news anchor.      They had bigger ideas.      Much bigger.      “Would

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The Magic of Setting Your Favorite Possession Free

I never understood why he wanted the boat.      Then again, there was so much I didn’t understand about their divorce.      Why would anyone not want to be married to my phenomenal friend?      Why would he cheat on her?      Gaslight her?      There are some things that are beyond explaining.      Like the boat.      Friend was and is a world champion barefoot water skier.      Her husband wasn’t a skier.      He hated going to the

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Realizing My Marriage Is Like The Inside Of A Hard Boiled Egg

It’s the hard boiled egg hack I’ve been looking for my entire life.      This story starts with a mystery. Our messy life      “Why would someone leave two random eggs sitting on a shelf in our fridge?” I asked myself as I went about my daily quest to keep the fridge somewhat organized.      With these pandemic times, both Husband and I and working from home, youngest daughter doing Fall semester of college from her cave, er, room, the

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Slowest Swimmer In The Boat Inspires Coveted Award

Slowest swimmer Sam Land showed doubters what a real winner looks like Sam Land knew one thing. It was time to get on the boat.     This is a story that starts with a group of very dedicated triathletes in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Guess who is coming to town In 2014, the folks who run the Ironman Triathlon announced they were bringing their event to town. We’re not talking some easy peasy weekend dip your toe in the triathlon waters kind of

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Why I’m Pretty Sure My Perfectly Imperfect Husband Just Gave Me a Compliment

What do you think about what my perfectly imperfect husband just had to say? I found out this week that my husband has got it.     Got it bad. I’m kicking myself because I should’ve known.     Maybe I should’ve expected it during this ongoing pandemic? As long as we’re trying on maybe’s, maybe he shouldn’t have gone there. Come inside our marital conversation      So, let me invite you into certain marital conversation that took place this week.      I came

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That Time U2’s Bono Wasn’t The Biggest Rock Star On The Tour

What we can learn from rock star Bono touring Africa with US Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill “Oh, and I toured Africa for two weeks with Bono.” It’s the line when talking about my 12-years at CNN that makes eyes bug out the most. Yes, it was all that. 4-countries. My first trip to Africa. Crazy access to one of the biggest rock stars in the world. And, And, That actually isn’t the whole story. Not the most important part of

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Surprising Our Daughter At The Airport Before She Heads To Semester Overseas

Surprising our daughter seemed like the only option when I had to be in two places at once You can subscribe to our MilesHusband YouTube Channel here This was the kind of problem with only one answer.      I’d have to be two places at once. You’ve been there, Dear Reader?      Or tried to be both “theres?”      Sunday, our oldest daughter was leaving for a semester studying overseas.      As a mother, I wanted to be here to

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