How Candles In A Church I Don’t Belong To Help Me Find My Way Home

Italy. The answer is Italy. If you caught last week’s column, Dear Reader, you left me stuck on a mountain top in Oman with a husband who was using frequent flyer miles prowess to get us home. “How about Milan?” he piped up as he worked his booking voodoo. He found a beautiful hotel and two first class seats through Dubai into Milan. For pennies, as he’s apt to do. “We can tour the city. We can go to Lake

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Boy Covers Thousands Veterans’ Graves In Flags And Respect

11-year-old Preston Sharp is on a mission to cover the graves of veterans in flags, flowers and respect. His passion surfaced a couple years ago while visiting his grandfather’s grave. He became upset seeing not all the other markers had flags. His mother told him if something bothers him then he needs to do something about it. Little did she realize the movement she was unleashing in her son. CBS News’ Steve Hartman has the story. Preston has a GoFundMe

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Finding Meaning In The Aftermath Of An Exploded Soda Can

No one is claiming responsibility. It’s possible they were scared off by my rather loud verbal reaction when I came upon the scene of the crime. A crime, I admit, That probably started with a relatively good intention. Last weekend, someone, A mystery someone, Got the inspired idea to compensate for a lack of cold sodas in the fridge. Anonymous put a room temperature can of Coke Zero in the freezer. Which is a great idea. When you remember to

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When Mother’s Day Means Being The One Who Let’s Her Go

This is to be Mother’s Day? Sure doesn’t feel like it’s supposed to go down. I find myself thinking about that this week. A lot. I read countless posts about daughters celebrating with their mothers. About bountiful brunch feasts. About women so thankful to hold their children close. Then, I look around. At my holiday. This year. This Mother’s Day. The first without my mother who passed last August. There will be no celebrating with her, I tell myself. Over

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Your Miracle Cure When Raising Teenagers Gets You Down

I’m still shaking my head. At this miracle treatment. The syndrome for which I was told there was no cure. That only time would heal this common malady. The affliction of living with teenagers. Perhaps you know the symptoms, Dear Reader. The rejection of your very being. To be told, That you are a dumb adult, Totally no fun to be around, A colossal bore. With an 16-year-old and an 18-year-old at home, we are in the thick of it.

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World Traveler Gets Creative To Let Mom Know He Is Fine

Any traveler knows it’s great to see the world, but someone is home wondering if you’re okay. Often that means your mom, no matter how old you are. No matter what country you come from. Johnathan Quinonez found that out after he quit his job as an accountant in Brussels, Belgium and took off for an extended adventure. He’s 27 years-old, but his mom was still worried, especially since his first stop was Cuba and phone and internet service there

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How A Working Mother Would Handle Kids Crashing Her Live Interview

And now for the working mother version of the funny, relatable interview seen around the world. Surely, you’ve seen Professor Robert Kelly being interviewed about South Korea on the BBC when his two young children came in the room. Parents around the world could relate and laughed. Now, a New Zealand comedy duo, Jono and Ben have come up with a comedy skit showing how a working mom would handle the same situation. There are some stereotypes here, to be

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What I Really Want My Late Mother To Say To Me

My mother has cancer. It has metastasized to her forehead. Her eyebrow, actually. She’s in pain. And she’s pissed. This is all horrifying. Sad. And, interesting. Interesting, because my mother passed away last August. I’m living what you might know, Dear Reader. You, who has said goodbye to someone you love. Someone who is gone, just not really gone. And so, it is, these nights, that my mother shows up in dreams. This happens about once a week. She’s angry.

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How My Daughter’s Secret Compromised My Marriage

They are the words that inspire panic in any well-meaning parent. “I’m going to tell you something,” my daughter announced this week, but you have to promise me you won’t tell any other member of this family.” Talk about the ultimate morals test. On one hand, I was thrilled and relieved that Daughter trusted me enough to share her deep, dark secret. On the other, keep a secret from my husband? We just don’t have that kind of marriage. On

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Koala Baby Clings To His Mother While She Has Life-Saving Surgery

Leave it to a baby koala named, “Phantom,” to be the best smile therapy you will find today. He certainly was the magic potion for his mum who had to undergo surgery at the Australia Zoo. The Courier Mail newspaper reports the mother and her 6-month-old baby were hit by a car along an Australian highway.  Baby Phantom was okay, but mother Lizzie had significant injuries including a collapsed lung. Veterinarians knew that mama would need surgery. They figured it would

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