Waffle House Shooting Hero Says Four Year Old Daughter Was His Inspiration To Act

Waffle House shooting hero James Shaw, Jr. knows the answer to the question. What would you do if you had a chance to save the lives of strangers even if it meant it might cost you your own life. This 29-year-old man knows. He acted. The Tennessean reports Travis Reinking, 29, opened fire at about 3:25 a.m. Sunday morning at a Waffle House outside Nashville, TN. Shaw Jr. had just come in the restaurant when he heard a crash. He

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Wave Of Kindness For Homeless Man Who Spent His Last $20 To Rescue Stranded Woman

An angel appeared in the form of a homeless man for one young woman after she ran out of gas on a dark Philadelphia highway. 27-year-old Kate McClure was driving late one night earlier this month when she felt her car start to chug. That dreaded chug. The out-of-gas sputter. She made it to the side of an offramp and called her boyfriend who said he would come rescue her. He was an hour away. Meanwhile, a homeless man walked

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CNN Correspondent Ed Lavandera And Crew Help Rescue Elderly Couple In Texas Floods

CNN correspondent Ed Lavandera is just one of the many reporters, producers and photographers in Texas covering the devastating floods. They are there to do a job. Report the news. And, And, They are human beings first. None finer than the folks who work for CNN. Ed was in the middle of a live shot with anchor Ana Cabrera when they came upon a house with an elderly couple that needed rescuing. There was never a question of what was

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Chick Fil A Serving Up Free Breakfast Following I 85 Collapse

Chick Fil A is doing its part to make Atlanta’s nightmare commute a little more palatable by offering free breakfast! This follows the collapse of the I 85 interstate Thursday in Atlanta. The fire that brought down a huge span of the highway will basically put Atlanta in a stranglehold for months until the road is fixed. The famous chicken chain can’t fix the highway, but they can offer something to make the ride a little better. Here’s the free

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McDondald’s Worker Jumps Through Drive Thru Window To Save Cop’s Life

How about a side of hero the next time you drive thru a McDonald’s restaurant looking for a burger and some fries? That’s what one off-duty police officer got earlier this month. The cop was driving through with her two kids in the car. The young man working the window noticed something was wrong as he handed her their food. It appeared the woman was having some kind of seizure and the car started rolling away. That’s when Pedro Viloria

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Amazing ‘When I Play’ Short Film Will Have You Shouting For Women’s Sports

I’m smiling from this love letter to women’s sports. Sports of all levels and abilities. Do you move? Do you compete? Have you ever been told you can’t because you’re a girl? I bet you’ll love this short film as much as I do. ESPN put it together in honor of Women’s History Month, which happens to be now. Just in case you find yourself wanting to read the words as much as hear them, here you go: To Whom It

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World Traveler Gets Creative To Let Mom Know He Is Fine

Any traveler knows it’s great to see the world, but someone is home wondering if you’re okay. Often that means your mom, no matter how old you are. No matter what country you come from. Johnathan Quinonez found that out after he quit his job as an accountant in Brussels, Belgium and took off for an extended adventure. He’s 27 years-old, but his mom was still worried, especially since his first stop was Cuba and phone and internet service there

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The Gift Of Watching My Friend’s Impossible Dream Come True

I stood in the back of a bookstore this week and cried. “Something got in my eye,” I would’ve said if anyone asked. I grabbed one of the paper napkins from the table with a plate of cookies to wipe a nose drip away. Classy, I know. I don’t know why I bothered. I love those tears. What prompted them. Besides, no one was looking at me. All eyes focused on her. About 15 feet away stood a friend. A

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