100-year-old NC Sock Company Pivots To Make Face Super Comfortable Face Masks-Available Now!

Sock company committed to saving jobs and making comfortable face masks you can wear all day-even with a full beard! There’s this sock company in High Point, North Carolina. Harriss and Covington. They’ve been making socks since 1920. American made socks and hosiery-how awesome is that? For 100 years! Then comes along the coronavirus crisis. Like businesses across the US, they had to shut down. That meant almost 300 people out of work. Two NC companies come together Dr. BJ

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That Time U2’s Bono Wasn’t The Biggest Rock Star On The Tour

What we can learn from rock star Bono touring Africa with US Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill “Oh, and I toured Africa for two weeks with Bono.” It’s the line when talking about my 12-years at CNN that makes eyes bug out the most. Yes, it was all that. 4-countries. My first trip to Africa. Crazy access to one of the biggest rock stars in the world. And, And, That actually isn’t the whole story. Not the most important part of

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Punster’s Lawn Cow Brings Smiles During Stressful Coronavirus Lockdown

What good is a lawn cow if she’s not making neighbors smile? Full disclosure on this lawn cow. She’s not just any cow. She happens to be a friend. Well, the cow of my good friend, Tracy Field. We go back to Stanford days. Tracy and I. Not the cow. The cow showed up a few years ago as a birthday present and she’s been a regular fixture in front of Tracy’s Atlanta home ever since. Her name is Priscilla.

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TheMealBridge.com Website Let’s You Buy Meals For Healthcare Workers On The CoronaVirus Frontlines

One family creates TheMealBridge.com website to help show gratitude and save restaurants The MealBridge.com website is a new creation born out of the coronavirus crisis. One family in Atlanta came up with a brilliant idea that is meant to give folks a way to show gratitude to healthcare workers on the front lines. And it has the added benefit of bringing much needed business to restaurants who are struggling during this time. Grey Cohen tells me her family just thought

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Woman Quarantines With Ex-Husband, Their Kids, His Wife, Her Ex-Husband & Their Kids!

Quarantine with ex-husband and the rest of this modern family seemed the best option for all during the coronavirus lockdown Denise Albert never imagined living with her ex-husband again. Crazy coronavirus quarantine times call for situations none of us could’ve ever imagined. She explains the series of events that led to this set up on Facebook and in more detail on this post on ThriveGlobal.com. Albert shares two young sons with her ex-husband, who is remarried. Her ex’s wife has

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Talking My Transition To Uplifting, Positive News On NPR’s GPB Radio

Thank you to GPB’s “On Second Thought” for having me on to talk about uplifting, positive news So how does a traditional journalist make the shift from talking doom and gloom to creating content that is uplifting and positive news? Do folks really want to hear this kind of news? Thank you to Virginia Prescott and the folks at “On Second Thought” for having me on to talk about the biggest shift of my career. Here’s the segment, in case

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News Anchor Gina Maravilla Shares Her Deaf Daughter’s Inspiring Cochlear Implant Journey

Cochlear implant has brought Gina Maravilla’s daughter’s hearing back for a second time A device called a cochlear implant is a miracle for AZ Family anchor Gina Maravilla, her family, and especially her 11-year-old daughter, Kennedy. Kennedy wasn’t born completely deaf, but she has had hearing issues from the beginning. When she was four-years-old she completely lost hearing in her left ear. That’s when she received her first implant. It has been a big success. A few months ago, Kennedy

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Your Dog Doesn’t Love You Back Like You Love Her And Let’s Be Thankful For That

The fur was flying. With good reason. I caught a recent online segment of “Good Morning Britain.” Call it mindless internet surfing. I call it, “research.” For this column. Yeah, I’m going with that. Can you say this about your beloved dog? I’m watched this segment, shaking my head, thinking, “Did they really go there?” A commentator daring to say the unsayable. About a dog’s love. That he can’t. Your dog can’t love you back. At least not in the

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Why My Husband Is NOT The Man of My Dreams

I didn’t have the wedding of my dreams.      I’ve been thinking about that wedding.      It was seven years ago this week.      You might remember this, Dear Reader,        As this entire story has unfolded in the lines of this website. How we got to the waterfall wedding We got engaged after two years of dating. And decided to get married just three weeks later. There was no time to plan for a grand affair. No time to

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How My Dog Got Me A Husband And Yours Could, Too

My dog got me a husband by taking matters into her own paws The numbers didn’t add up.      Not to this dog lover.      86%.      That’s how many people say they would break up with someone who doesn’t like their dog. This would never be me      “How ridiculous,” I thought as I looked at the research from a dog walking company called, “Wag!”  “Who would even consider dating someone who didn’t like their dog?”      That’s about

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