That Mood Of Mine That Drives My Husband Crazy

Funny thing is I had no idea this was a problem As marital disagreements go,      This was one I wasn’t expecting.      It popped up on a typical weekend day for Husband and me, sitting side by side at our dining room table.      I was puttering away adding uplifting and positive news stories to my website.      Husband was busy creating our next travel adventure.      “We might be going around the world on Emirates Airlines First Class,”

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What Do You Keep If Your Entire Life Had To Fit In Five Boxes?

Daria and Jim are a nightmare. At least to certain forces we face every day. The companies and marketers who bombard us with romance of stuff. No matter how much you have, you need more. Clothes, shoes, boats, houses, trinkets. Daria, especially, gets that. Stuff-loving hoarder. That’s how she described herself. So much stuff it led her to having one of those “How’d we get here?” moments. “We looked up and realized we had lived in the same house for

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The One Who Cured The Worst Pity Party Of My Life

This week I have the story of one lucky girl.      A story that starts with a pathetic pity party.      Mine.      On a Sunday night, long ago.      What is it about Sunday nights?      How they magnify lonely and sad.      Which is what I cried to my best friend.      It wasn’t the first time we’d had this talk.      Which is probably why she cut short the empathy and sent me a link.      With a simple note.      “I think you need to do this.”      It

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Hands Down, This Is The Holiday To End All Holidays

It’s possible today is your day.      Your special day.      You, who did not have a single Hallmark moment with your less than functional family at Thanksgiving.      You, who did not put the “Ho Ho Ho” in Christmas.      You, who didn’t look up once from your desk wondering if that bouquet of red roses delivery was for you. You can go ahead and blow.      Blow out big.      Give me a giant exhale.      You’ve made it.     

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The Awesome Way This Minnesota High School Football Player Earned Two Super Bowl Tickets

16-year-old Danny Lilya has wanted to be a high school football player for pretty much his whole life. Not just any high school. The one he has grown up cheering for in his hometown, The Moose Lake Rebels. Parents and teachers are all for a kid having a dream. In this case, though, There was one huge challenge– Danny was born with a broken spine and has been in a wheelchair his entire life. Don’t count this kid out. Not

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Friend’s Unfinished Business Shines Light On Never Knowing Someone’s Whole Story

And here, I thought I knew the whole story. Which makes me laugh now. You, too, probably. I imagine from time to time, you fall into the same trap. Casually following someone on Facebook. They look like they have everything. Especially, the thing you think you’re missing in your life. In this case, Incredible career success. This woman, Meg, must have it all. She’s worked for Oprah, after all! Her career has continued to bring her amazing opportunities even after

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Finding Meaning In The Aftermath Of An Exploded Soda Can

No one is claiming responsibility. It’s possible they were scared off by my rather loud verbal reaction when I came upon the scene of the crime. A crime, I admit, That probably started with a relatively good intention. Last weekend, someone, A mystery someone, Got the inspired idea to compensate for a lack of cold sodas in the fridge. Anonymous put a room temperature can of Coke Zero in the freezer. Which is a great idea. When you remember to

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What If You Have All The Tools You Need To Get Through Tough Times?

That was the easiest birthday gift ever. For the woman who has, Well, a lot. And, And, at the same time, Not the life she planned. She planned on spending the rest of her life with her college sweetheart. The one she’d been married to for 30 years. She planned on setting off on a new adventure with him. Empty nest style, as their youngest headed off to college. He planned on getting to know the company secretary. “Finding himself”

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