Why I Finally Drew The Line On My Husband’s Love Affair

I drew the line at Chex Mix.      I had to.      Draw it somewhere.      Had you been here to see what’s been going on in this home, you would’ve expected me to do something.      Anything.      A lot sooner.      How many wives could standby calmly      And bear witness to their husband’s love affair?      It started innocently enough.      Taking a walk with her.      Private conversations.      Snuggling on the couch.      Wrestling games.      Husband

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Friend’s Unfinished Business Shines Light On Never Knowing Someone’s Whole Story

And here, I thought I knew the whole story. Which makes me laugh now. You, too, probably. I imagine from time to time, you fall into the same trap. Casually following someone on Facebook. They look like they have everything. Especially, the thing you think you’re missing in your life. In this case, Incredible career success. This woman, Meg, must have it all. She’s worked for Oprah, after all! Her career has continued to bring her amazing opportunities even after

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How I Almost Tossed A Piece Of My Husband’s Soul To The Curb

I realize now,      That nothing,      No one,      Was safe.      Not in the path of the crazed madwoman.      Who happened to be me.      I shared last week how,      After years of procrastinating,      Husband and I finally attacked,      Emptied,      Donated the contents of a storage shed we’d been renting for more than five years.      The task was every bit as un-fun and unpleasant as I had imagined.      And,      And,

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The Awful Thing We Did Instead Of Taking That $23,000 Luxury Vacation Over New Year’s

As falls go, this was like gravity on steroids.      One minute, my husband was about to pull off one of his frequent flyer mile miracles.      New Year’s week flying around the world on Singapore Suites First Class.      As he does, he was about to pull off a $23,000 trip by paying about $78 per person.      Then, came the computer glitch.      The trip fell apart.      Which brought the question what to do next?     

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Why Our Family Holiday Card This Year Was Actually Fake News

It’s pathetic, really.      Sure, it looks pleasant enough.      This year’s family holiday card.      I managed to herd all four family members.      Everyone combed their hair.      Put on a clean sweater.      There we are gathered around the Christmas tree,      Smiling our bright smiles.      I could almost post “#winning.”      Except for one thing,      I need to share,      To confess.      As lovely as our holiday photo is this year.      It’s

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Wave Of Kindness For Homeless Man Who Spent His Last $20 To Rescue Stranded Woman

An angel appeared in the form of a homeless man for one young woman after she ran out of gas on a dark Philadelphia highway. 27-year-old Kate McClure was driving late one night earlier this month when she felt her car start to chug. That dreaded chug. The out-of-gas sputter. She made it to the side of an offramp and called her boyfriend who said he would come rescue her. He was an hour away. Meanwhile, a homeless man walked

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Why I Slept With A New Love When My Husband Went Out Of Town

I could tell you this was an accident. A moment of impetuousness. That would be a lie. The truth is I’ve been thinking about, Imagining, Planning this for weeks. This is what happens when a husband travels a lot. As has been the case with mine. Out Tuesday. Back Thursday. All for business. All productive. Admirable. And, And, Leaves me with freedom to do something he’d never approve of. Sleep with our dog in the bed. Before you judge, Let’s

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To Spouse Or Not To Spouse. That Is The Class Reunion Question

This was not in the book. Not in the book about marriage. The one with 276 questions you and your intended should ask each other before you say, “I do.” So you really know each other. Your true wishes and desires. How you go about things. Almost like you’ve known each other all your lives. Instead of the months you’ve been dating. Somehow, Husband and I sailed through all the really big stuff. Religion. Politics. Raising kids. It was pretty

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Morning Phone Call Reveals Unexpected Revelation From His 91-Year-Old Father

The call came at 8:45. As it does each morning. Not my phone. My friend, Gene’s. It was his dad. His 91-year-old dad. “We don’t actually say the words out loud,” Gene said, “But it’s his daily, ‘Yes, I’m alive’ call.” Some days the calls are short. Some days longer. Monday was a chatty call. Dad felt like talking. So, Gene shared his story from the night before. How he had splurged. Dug into his family wallet to take his

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My Marriage Is Going Nowhere And I Couldn’t Be Happier

My marriage is going nowhere. At least, that was the case this weekend. This wasn’t our intention. The plan, rather, Last second, as it was, Was pretty grand. I had seen early Saturday morning that my favorite singer was in town for a concert. The guy you pretend is singing to you. Or, if that is kind of creepy because you’re old enough to be his mother, That you would’ve been the girl he was in love with when you

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